I came here to work at a local hospital and boy did we work long hours! The final result, however, was worth the effort. I had a great time with my colleagues here and even though I did not get to know the city that much, at least this time I could sleep! (last time I was here I wasn't too lucky).
I had a light morning today so I was tempted to get on the car and drive South crossing the border. It's that North Dakota is one of the 7 American states I have yet to set foot in. But luckily I decided against it and did some extra work instead :-)
Oh, another thing I seem to do every time I travel lately: I got sick. First, a stomach flu and after that, I caught a cold. Age is definitely catching up with me.
Well, plane is taking off, but people are allow to keep their phones working now, as long as they are in 'airplane' mode. There goes one of my favourite pet peeves...

Hoy tuve una mañana tranquila así que me tenté en meterme en el auto y salir para el sur a cruzar la frontera. Es que North Dakota es uno de los 7 estados de US que me faltan visitar. Pero por suerte decidí no hacerlo y en su lugar trabajé un poquito. :-)
Ah, otra cosa que parece que hago siempre que viajo últiamemente: me enfermé. Primero, una flor de descompostura y luego me resfrié. La edad ya no me perdona nada.
Bueno, el avión ya está carreteando, pero ahora te dejan tener los teléfonos prendidos todo el vuelo, mientras esté en modo ‘avión’. Me quedé sin uno de mis motivos preferidos de queja…
Source: Wikipedia.org
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