(En español más abajo)

It’s my wedding anniversary today, and it’s the first we will spend apart, due to my trip to Brazil, which makes me very sad.
I know, it’s life, and Gaby is always the first to support me when I have to travel and hence miss an important event, but still it hurts a little.
I shall reflect in the wonderful 18 years we’ve been together so far, and in the great life we have together. We love each other, we’re closer every day, we trust each other, we are each other’s rock when it’s needed and we have a beautiful family that we are taking care of every day. One couldn’t ask for more.
Except, of course, being there today to hug my wife, give her a kiss and tell her I love her.
Skype is not quite the same.
According to Spanish version of
Wikipedia, 18 years is the “
Aquamarine wedding”, and I happen to be in Brazil, one of the biggest (if not the biggest) producers of this beautiful rock… I wonder what should I do. :-)
Hoy es mi aniversario de bodas, y es el primero que pasaremos separados, debido a mi viaje a Brasil, algo que me pone muy triste.
Ya lo sé, así es el trabajo, y Gaby es siempre la primera en apoyarme cuando tengo que trabajar y perderme un evento importante, algo que siempre me duele.
Puedo hacer una reseña de los maravillosos 18 años que llevamos juntos, y en la gran vida que tenemos. Nos queremos, estamos cada vez más cerca el uno del otro, confiamos en nosotros y somos el apoyo del otro cuando hace falta; lo más importante, hemos creado una hermosa familia de la que nos ocupamos todos los días. No podría pedir más.
Excepto, claro, poder estar ahí hoy para abrazar a mi esposa, darle un beso y decirle cuánto la quiero.
Skype no es lo mismo.
De acuerdo con
Wikipedia, 18 años son las “Bodas de
Aguamarina”, y resulta que yo estoy en Brasil, uno de los mayores (sino el mayor) productores de esta hermosa piedra (es una piedra preciosa?)… Veré que se puede hacer… :-)
My sweet lady – John Denver Lady, are you crying, do the tears belong to me Did you think our time together was all gone Lady, you've been dreaming, I'm as close as I can be And I swear to you our time has just begun Close your eyes and rest your weary mind I promise I will stay right here beside you Today our lives were joined, became entwined I wish that you could know how much I love you Lady, are you happy, do you feel the way I do Are there meanings that you've never seen before Lady, my sweet lady, I just can't believe it's true And it's like I've never, ever loved before (Chorus) Lady, are you crying, do the tears belong to me Did you think our time together was all gone Lady, my sweet lady, I'm as close as I can be And I swear to you our time has just begun
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