Monday, December 28, 2009

Silly Monkey Stories #79 – No guilt

CanadaYear 2002 – Carolina (5)
Juan had had an 'accident' and was very upset. While we were trying to cheer him up, Carolina started to make fun of him.
Her mom, angry, told Caro to stop and reminded her that she also had the occasional accident, to which she quickly replied:

- Yes, but I don't care…

Argentina Año 2002 –  Carolina (5)
Juan había tenido un ‘accidente’ y estaba muy avergonzado. Mientras estábamos tratando de hacerlo sentir mejor, Carolina comenzó a burlarse de su hermano.
Su mamá, enojada, le dijo a Caro que se callara y le recordó que ella aún tenía accidentes similares de vez en cuando, a lo que Carolina respondió enseguida:

- Sí, pero a mi no me importa…
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1 comment:

  1. Oh, the dreaded "I don't care". I hope it's a long long time before my children start to say that.


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