Friday, December 11, 2009

PhotoHunt #60 - Undesirable

I am a carnivore. Everybody knows that. And though my own description of what my basic food groups are is not exactly accurate (“I only eat two things: things that you have to chase or things that you have to fry”), the truth is that I’m not very high on fruits and vegetables. Or maybe a little of the latter, but definitely not on those that are used for salads.
Take the picture below, for example. There is not a single ingredient in there that I actually like… 
Soy un carnívoro. Todos lo saben. Y si bien mi descripción de cuáles son mis grupos básicos de comida no es 100% ajustada a la realidad (“Sólo como dos cosas: cosas que hay que perseguir o cosas que hay que freír”), la verdad es que no soy exactamente lo que se dice un fanático de las frutas y las verduras. Tal vez un poquito de estas últimas, pero definitivamente no de aquellas que se utilizan para las ensaladas.
Miren la foto de abajo, por ejemplo. No hay ni un sólo ingrediente ahí que me guste!
You can have it all, if you want it Si la querés, es toda tuya…
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  1. i don't like veggies, either...but i've learned to eat green salads. my grandma used to say that i only eat those with 4 legs except the table.:p

  2. The real question is do you make your kids eat veggies?

  3. AH as a vegetarian I would be in deep trouble if I didn't like veggies! I know what you mean about bland salds though.. dull, dull. dulkl. dull and uterly unappetising! Happy weekend

  4. Luna Miranda, I eat many greens, like spinach and kale, and like them very much. And I LOVE legumes! So not that bad after all...

    Shannon, good question! My kids eat absolutely everything, because a) they have a very responsible mother and b) they're not spoiled like me. Well, at least when it's time to eat...

    Jams, the good thing is that between you and me... we eat everything! :-) Happy weekend to you too. I just landed in Newark after a flight from hell, and I'm waiting for my final connection to Toronto...

  5. Looks good to me! LOL

    Mine's HERE come on over...I'd love your visit. Happy Hunting.

  6. Yo soy carnívora también y a mucha honra, sin embargo ea ensalada la como con mucho gusto. Es cuestión de acostumbrarse y a un buen aderezo: lo mío pasa por la sal, aceite y vinagre, nada de esas salad sauces que se venden acá. Pero probá con un poco de mayonesa si te gusta.

  7. I wouldn't mind having a small portion of that salad, with some meat on the side.

  8. I hated veggies as a kid, everything except maize. HATED them.

    Unbelievably, I LOVE them now, CRAVE them. So the salad looks good to me. :D

    My Photo Hunt: Undesirable is up. I hope you have time to visit. Have a good weekend.

  9. A mi me gusta una ensalada con el asado por ejemplo. En esa foto no hay demasiadas cosas que me gusten, pero una ensaladita rusa, o de arroz me gustan.
    Y no, no la quiero. Te estaría sacando la comida de la boca.

  10. I'm a carnivore too, but this looks delicious, with some good ranch or blue cheese dressing.

  11. jajjaj yo me la llevo, me encantan las verduras, eso sí acompañadas con carnes de todo tipo. Uhh JorMig me dió ganas de una buena ensalada rusa! ahora que aprendí a cocinar los bifes de por aquí, al principio se me secaban, quedaban un asco, pero ahora 10 puntos!

  12. Invitá PaulyS!!
    Gabriel dice que es un especialista en cocinar en ese plato volador al que llama parrilla.
    Yo ya me compré el asado para mañana y me prometieron ensalada de papa y huevo. Livianito para cuidar la línea.

  13. ... entuavía no ha nacido el bicho que me haiga pasado por adelante y que no haya ido a parar arriba e´la parrilla...

  14. I'll have it!

    I'm not a meat eater, although not because I love animals blablabla. I just don't crave meat...

    But as an Argentinean, of course, you MUST eat meat!


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