I have never done a ‘blog hopping’ before, so this is news to me. I’m joining this one after seeing it at
Carleen’s blog, it seems to be a cool idea.
I have to write an introductory paragraph about my blog, which I will do below.

No había hecho esto del ‘blog hopping’ antes, así que me considero todo un neófito. Me estoy anotando luego de verlo en el
blog de Carleen, me pareció buena idea. Tengo que escribir un párrafo de introducción a mi blog, lo que haré ahora.
No estoy muy seguro de qué fue lo que me decidió a escribir un blog, pero comencé allá por Marzo de 2005. Yo tenía un website que mantenía regularmente desde antes de irme de Argentina, y el blog comenzó como una extensión del mismo. Ese blog embrionario y sin nombre, que aún se conserva (http://almada.tripod.com/blog_GA) es el que originó de alguna manera a “Live from Waterloo”, donde despunto el vicio de escribir y mostrar fotos de mi vida en Canadá. He conocido a mucha gente y he tenido la satisfacción de que algunas de mis historias ganaran premios, algo que jamás se me había cruzado por la mente antes de empezar.

I’m not fully sure of what caused me to start blogging, but I started in March of 2005. I had a website that I was maintaining regularly since before I left Argentina, and the blog began as an extension of it. That primitive, nameless blog that you can still see (http://almada.tripod.com/blog_GA) was the origin of “Live from Waterloo”, where I enjoy writing little stories and sharing pictures of my life as an Argentine immigrant in Canada. I’ve met lots of wonderful people and I have had the satisfaction of seeing some of my stories win awards, something that I had never thought before I started.
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blog hopping
Hopping over from the blog hop to say hello. Hope you have a fun and safe weekend :)
ReplyDeleteHappy 4th of July, nice to stop by your place!
ReplyDeleteI’m Blog Hopping! Hope you have a happy and safe 4th of July weekend.
ReplyDeletePlease stop by Lin's Duck and Wheel With String to vote for me, Lola, in her First Official Dork-Off Contest. Vote for my photo, because my kindergarten photo is THE dorkiest.
Stopping by from the blog hop to say Hello. Hope you had a great weekend.