Saturday, January 03, 2009

PhotoHunt #20 - Hope

Today’s theme is ‘Hope’, so allow me to show you where my hope resides…
These kids that fill my heart with pride today, also give me the hope of being there for them as they grow up, then witness as they become caring and responsible adults. I have no doubts that it will be like that!
(OK, as long as they get it from their mother…) :-) 
El tema de hoy es ‘Esperanza’, así que permítanme mostrarle donde reside la mía…
Estos chicos que me llenan de orgullo ya hoy, me dan también la esperanza de que puedan contar conmigo mientras crecen, hasta que se conviertan en adultos responsables y cariñosos. No tengo duda de que así será!
(OK, mientras salgan a la madre, así será…) :-)
Santi (13) – Juan (10) – Florencia (5) – Carolina (11)
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  1. yea. I've had real intimate encounters with and enjoyed the briliiance of giraffes. Happy NY!

  2. Tienen una de las bases mas importantes para serlo y esa base es una hermosa familia. Besos.

  3. Seeing their children grow up is one big hope of all parents... i hope my parents get to see me go to work.. get married... and brings them grandchildren...

  4. Children are the hope of tomorrow.If you have time stop by and see my take on Hope.

  5. That is one beautiful family!!!!My Photo Hunt entry is here....< HREF="" REL="nofollow">For the Birds<>

  6. Seguro que lo serán. Tenéis una familia con unos cimientos buenos en cariño, honestidad, humildad... tanto de la madre... como del padre :)Abrazos

  7. Como siempre, nuestros pensamientos se cruzan...La mia ya esta...As usual, our thoughts come together...Mine is up

  8. I share your sentiments, as I am a parent, too! You have beautiful children. :)My Photo Hunters is up today. I 'HOPE' you get the chance to visit and leave your link. New Year!

  9. Seguro lo serán, les han dado todas las herramientas posibles!

  10. Y no puede ser de otra manera, tienen una muy buena enseñanza por parte de ustedes dos.Besos

  11. The kids look cute, as always. Little Flor always makes me smile :) I wish that my Dad have could seen my kids grow a little more...He was so proud of them. They really are the future.

  12. I think we have a great future ahead of us. Great post for this theme.

  13. With a father like you and a mother like Gaby...i'm sure they'll be all you hope for...and more!

  14. you have good-looking kids and am sure they'll grow up to be responsible and beautiful adults.

  15. Children really are hope embodied. With everything you have to have hope. Hope they will potty train, hope they learn to read, hope they aren't bullied at school. So much hope and so much promise.


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