This one is from Santi, and was logged on 29/Jul/2001 (this meaning Santi was 6 years old).
Santi has been what we call an 'electric' kid since the day he was born. Did you see those kids that make you dizzy just by watching them? Well, that exactly. I will never forget the first time we 'invaded' my brother's house in Washington. They have two daughters, who are fairly quiet and spend most of the time playing or just hanging in their bedrooms. Well, not Santi.

Of course, since he burns so much energy, he eats like a zebu. Or maybe better, a piranha. But he doesn't have a gram of fat on his body; I like to joke saying that whenever he needs an X-ray they just put him in front of a window. But boy, does he eat! I remember one time, still at my brother's place, we had bought some giant pizzas at Costco, and we put them in the oven. There were two of them, but they were huge, so there was enough for the nine of us. Santi ate like three slices, and then he took care of 9 clementines (think of them as small tangerines) for dessert. My brother was desperate! :-)
Like my father would have said: "I'm going to buy you a suit; it's going to be cheaper than buying you dinner".
One day, I was asking him how could be possible that he never gets tired, even though he got up at 7:00 AM and was running all day non-stop, etc. etc. Santi's answer contained a mix of wisdom and resignation:
- "Well, Daddy, this is my life..."
Esta es de la autoría de Santi, y fue registrada el 29/Jul/2001 (lo que significa que Santi tenía 6 años de edad).
Santi ha sido desde que nació lo que nosotros denominamos un chico 'eléctrico'. Vieron esos pibes que lo marean a uno de sólo mirarlos? Bueno, exactamente. Nunca me voy a olvidar de la primera vez que le caímos en la casa mi hermano en Washington. Ellos tienen dos hijas, que son más bien tranquilas y que por lo general juegan o pasan el tiempo tranquilas en sus habitaciones o mirando TV. Bueno, pero no Santi.

Por supuesto, como consume tanta energía, come como un cebú. O mejor dicho, una piraña. Eso sí, no tiene un gramo de grasa; siempre bromeo que a él le deben sacar las radiografías mirándolo al trasluz. Pero cómo come! Una vez, recuerdo, aún en casa de mi hermano, habíamos comprado unas pizzas enormes en Costco, y las pusimos en el horno. Creo que eran dos, pero eran gigantescas (y nosotros éramos 9 para comer). Santi se comió como tres porciones, y después se despachó 9 clementinas (unas mandarinas más bien chiquitas) de postre. Mi hermano estaba desesperado! :-)
Como diría mi papá: "Te voy a comprar un traje, porque me sale más barato que darte de comer".
Cuando una vez le estaba preguntando cómo podía ser que nunca se cansara, que se levantaba a las 07:00 AM y corría todo el día, etc. etc., Santi me contestó con una mezcla de sabiduría y resignación:
- "Y bueno, Papi, ésa es mi vida..."
Santi en el piso de vidrio del CN Tower (Mayo 2001)
Technorati Tags: Silly Monkey story
LOL, your Santi sounds very much like my boys! The kids who make you dizzy just by watching them, constantly in motion, that's them too :). I wish I had an ounce of their energy!This is a great story, your brother's reactions made me laugh :).
ReplyDeleteLOL. Santi is like Kayla, a whirling dervish. She can out eat anyone and has more engery than 5 people. Kids like that make me tired just watching them!
ReplyDelete<>Lonestar818<>, thank you for your comment and kind words.<>Biddie<>, it's such a joy to have you back! :-)
ReplyDeletemy 7yo miggy is very much like your santi. so full of energy! ^_^
ReplyDeleteAren't kids just the funniest little people!