Tuesday, May 06, 2008

WW#22 - My brothers

Paco 1
From back to front: Me, Guillermo, Martín and Paco.
My grandfather
Pepe is in the back...
This picture taken at my grandpa's farm in Quequén, Argentina, back in 1982

Same four guys, now in 2003.
From left to right: Paco, Martín, me and Guillermo
Picture taken at Lake Huron, Ontario on August of 2003.

But we have two more brothers: Juan Pablo and Sebastián, who weren't born yet by the time we got the first picture taken, and were in Argentina by the time we had the second one.

I will write about all six of us in tomorrow's Tell me Thursday!


  1. Shannon @ Gabi's WorldMay 6, 2008, 8:18:00 PM

    At first I was looking at your brother in back thinking, "Man your dad looks young!" Then, I finally seen dad back there!

    Happy WW!

  2. That wasn't my father, but my grandfather Pepe in the back. :-)

  3. How fun to have those shots! Very cool! :D

  4. Those pictures make me sing "Do - Re - Mi - Fa" :P

  5. Wow...you sure have a lot of brothers!

  6. that's alot of beans and potatoes.

    I had 4 brothers --- so I know!

  7. I love family shots :)
    No sisters, huh?? I will be back to find more about it and about that "tell me thursday"!
    Happy WW!

  8. How time flies!
    Happy WW! :)

  9. am so sure you had great memories just looking at that 1982 shot! :)
    happy WW

  10. ps. thanks for the link! really appreciate it! :)

    have a great week ahead!

  11. Great before and after pictures! I was one of six but we had three and three! And I just love when people do the Talk about Thursday! I will be back! Thanks for stopping by! Happy WW!

  12. Those are nice! And such a clever idea. I couldn't do that, there were just two of us, my sis and me.
    I have five kids, they could line up for me.
    Happy WW!

  13. Looks like y'all went and got serious! Being grownup isn't near as much fun!

    Neat pictures!

    Happy WW! Stop by if you can.

    Just Some Thoughts

  14. cool pics :) nice to reminisce :)

    mine's up to at http://yaneeps-pics.blogspot.com/2008/05/dusk.html

    happy ww :)

  15. How time flies! Happy WW

  16. How fortunate you all are to have each other! I'm the oldest of 8 children. Me & my 3 sisters are very close.

    I want to mention that I always have a terrible time getting your page to load. And when I try to click on comment it keeps opening the Snap Shot box instead of the comments box. I'm using IE7. Just thought I'd mention it.

  17. Yes, how nice you have each other and had a loving grandpa.

  18. Great, fun, family shots :) Happy WW

  19. Great pics! Thanx for stopping by mine today - Happy WW!

  20. Wow, isnt it amazing what what happens thru time. Great shots and idea:) Happy WW and thanks for stopping by.

  21. What great pictures - I love how you post older ones - it's really neat!

  22. How impressive both pix! And there are two more...A very formidable family!

  23. The one of them on the swings is adorable! I Love looking at old family photos.

  24. Oh wow, what amazing pictures. It's so neat to see how people "grow up" over time. Lovely post.

    Happy WW :)

  25. Great pictures! THe difference and similiarities throughout the years is amazing.

  26. Both shots are wonderful - I love seeing kid pictures and then looking for that child in the adult face.

  27. cool before and after! I love seeing how people change as they get older. It's fascinating!

  28. Camera Totin' IdiotMay 7, 2008, 7:10:00 AM

    Great now and then shots! I'm an only child so I don't get to do that with anyone but myself.

  29. How marvelous to have so many brothers! I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters...

  30. I love seeing old family pics. What a bunch of testosterone in your house...oye!

  31. Great shots! Love the then and now effect.

  32. That first photo is so cute. I can really see your brothers in both of your boys. :)

  33. Happy WW! By the way your link from the WW HQ did not work for me. I have you in my WW favorites, though!

    As to the photos - The first one... cute.

    The second..... Well if I ever need bodyguards, I know who to email!

  34. My wife comes from a family of 9 kids. She has 5 sisters and 3 brothers. It makes for many cousins and Aunts and Uncles for my sons. And really great family gatherings.

  35. Very cool that you were able to get everyone back together for that second shot! (And I love that first one too!)

    Happy WW!

  36. Paco looks exactly the same. Before I even checked the names I knew which one he was.

    Fun pictures!

    Our Happy Happenings
    Livin' With Me

  37. Still trying to master the names and faces! Great idea ....

  38. Wonderful. I love family pictures then and now. I will be posting my brother's picture in the coming week. He came to my daughter's college graduation and I hadn't got to visit with him for years. Except on the phone a little. I was so pleased to see him. He is 55 and my oldest brother. I am 50, the baby of my family. Two older brothers between us are 52 and 54.

  39. oh look how you've all grown! :D

  40. Six sons! I bet your mother had her hands full! I see you like to write. I hope you will check out my other blog, Slice of Life Sunday which is all about bloggers writing true stories about parts of their life. The address is http://sliceoflifesunday.wordpress.com . Hope to have you visit.

  41. I came from all sisters. Love the family history shot. Cool!

  42. what fun pictures!!

  43. That is so cool! Love the photos.

  44. DoubleDeckerBusGuyMay 7, 2008, 6:13:00 PM

    That's a fantastic set of "historical" pics! I wish I had something similar with my sisters!

  45. Wow! Great pictures...they look a lot "tougher" in the 2nd one. :)

  46. Nice photos! You guys were cute as kids! :D

    Thanks for commenting on my post btw! :D

  47. Time flies huh? Another great family photo! I love seeing pics of siblings together.

    Thanks for stopping by my post.

  48. it's great to be able to go back to the past again, isn't it? what great memories you must have had during those younger days! :)

  49. You can definitely see the resemblence in all of you. My mother's father's family have a family reunion every year the day before Labor Day. I haven't been in a couple of years but I can't wait to go this year to see everyone! Thanks for stopping by.

  50. Looks like you boys are all grown up now. :)


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