Tuesday, March 25, 2008

WW#15 - They will always look like this to me

Santi en la pileta con maracas
Santiago (12)
Caro con vestido y colitas
Carolina (11)
35_Juan Francisco 15 Juan (9) 058_Florencia IX Florencia (4)


  1. Hi Gabriel. Good to e-see you again this week. Thank you for sharing this poignant series of photos. I suspect every parent feels the same way: we all want to see our kids' pictures, frozen in time.

    They grow too fast, don't they.

    I've posted my WW image here:

    Hope you'll drop by and say hi.

  2. I agree they grow way too fast. Seems like just yesterday mine were just born and soon they will be 7 and 4. Where does the time go and why does it have to go by so fast?

  3. don't you wish we could freeze them like that too? that they'd stay that age and adorable forever. not saying they're so bad as they get older - but their innocence is lost.

  4. Look at those gorgeous eyes. What a beautiful family you have.

  5. yes... they will always be your babies.

  6. How can you ever go wrong with kid pictures? Too cute. Thanks for sharing them.

    My WW post for this week is up.

  7. Love the hairdo on Caroline! It goes by fast and seems to get faster, the older they get!

  8. I love those pigtails!!! All your kids were adorable....still are....and you are always the proud papa. Happy WW.

  9. Very cute. Keep snapping pictures. Remember, this is blackmail fodder for later on in life. ;P

    Happy WW!

  10. you've got really cute kids.. happy WW! :)

  11. Just precious! You've been feeling quite nostalgic lately, huh? I guess we all like to stroll down memory lane. :)

    My WW post is here if you'd like to stop by.

  12. Your children are beautiful. I enjoy reminiscing while looking through the old albums, too. :)

  13. Beautiful children!! You must be very proud of them :D

  14. I have always said that my dad refuses to see me as almost 30, but rather has this image of me toddling around the world as a two year old with hair like Caroline's.


  15. happy WW! Mine is up too :)

  16. I was here gab, happy WW!


  17. Oh, such beautiful eyes! They draw me in. Happy WW.

  18. It always leaves me wistful and a little sad to think of my children when they were babies or small children. I love who they are today, but sometimes I miss those 'little' people! (and no, that doesn't mean I want to go back!!!)

    Your children are adorable!

    Have a great day and stop by if you can:


  19. Lori's Light ExtemporaneaMar 26, 2008, 3:37:00 AM

    Ah, Gabriel, they still pretty much look like that!

    I've always been a baby person but as two of mine are growing into teenagerhood, I'm appreciating that stage of life much more than I thought possible. Still, it's wonderful to have those baby shots, isn't it? We are so blessed!

  20. Lori's Light ExtemporaneaMar 26, 2008, 3:37:00 AM

    Ah, Gabriel, they still pretty much look like that!

    I've always been a baby person but as two of mine are growing into teenagerhood, I'm appreciating that stage of life much more than I thought possible. Still, it's wonderful to have those baby shots, isn't it? We are so blessed!

  21. Lori's Light ExtemporaneaMar 26, 2008, 3:37:00 AM

    Ah, Gabriel, they still pretty much look like that!

    I've always been a baby person but as two of mine are growing into teenagerhood, I'm appreciating that stage of life much more than I thought possible. Still, it's wonderful to have those baby shots, isn't it? We are so blessed!

  22. Lori's Light ExtemporaneaMar 26, 2008, 3:37:00 AM

    Ah, Gabriel, they still pretty much look like that!

    I've always been a baby person but as two of mine are growing into teenagerhood, I'm appreciating that stage of life much more than I thought possible. Still, it's wonderful to have those baby shots, isn't it? We are so blessed!

  23. Lori's Light ExtemporaneaMar 26, 2008, 3:37:00 AM

    Ah, Gabriel, they still pretty much look like that!

    I've always been a baby person but as two of mine are growing into teenagerhood, I'm appreciating that stage of life much more than I thought possible. Still, it's wonderful to have those baby shots, isn't it? We are so blessed!

  24. Lori's Light ExtemporaneaMar 26, 2008, 3:37:00 AM

    Ah, Gabriel, they still pretty much look like that!

    I've always been a baby person but as two of mine are growing into teenagerhood, I'm appreciating that stage of life much more than I thought possible. Still, it's wonderful to have those baby shots, isn't it? We are so blessed!

  25. Lori's Light ExtemporaneaMar 26, 2008, 3:37:00 AM

    Ah, Gabriel, they still pretty much look like that!

    I've always been a baby person but as two of mine are growing into teenagerhood, I'm appreciating that stage of life much more than I thought possible. Still, it's wonderful to have those baby shots, isn't it? We are so blessed!

  26. Jean at Penny LaneMar 26, 2008, 4:09:00 AM

    Those are great pictures.
    Yes, they get big fast. And isn't it funny how we don't think we age as much as we see our children growning.

    Thanks for stopping by last week and seeing the darling playhouse. I have another one up this week which is a bit fancier!

  27. Your children are really cute! :)

  28. Great shots. I'm not a mom, but I'm an Auntie! :-)

  29. They will always be your babies, regardless how old they get.

  30. theyre very cute! everytime i see kids photos, it makes me wish to have one for myself

  31. Isn't that the truth? I am always somehow startled that my oldest is taller than me and not that cute little toddler running around my garden picking flowers. Happy WW!

  32. Really - don't you wish you could just bottle them at that age? I love the pigtails!

  33. Aw, you have beautiful children.

  34. Mine are 20, 22, & 24. Overnight. Express.

  35. Hi Gabriel,
    Cute kids! They grow up quickly, huh.

  36. What a lively Family.
    No Waterloo's?

  37. That's such a sweet post, and I know what you mean.

  38. You are right to feel that way, Gabriel, and now they will always look like this to us, too. Happy WW.

  39. Yeah, I feel the same way. My oldest just officially reached the same height as me and hubby last weekend. Sigh.

    Never fear, the guy on my WW won't get as tall as me, though.


  40. You've got 4 cute angels!

  41. My grandchildren have started asking me about when their mom was a little girl. She's in her 30's, but she's still my little baby, too. Your kids are adorable.

    Thanks for stopping by to visit me.

  42. Thank you, Eve! I was going to have my first day ever in 2008 without comments, and you came to save the day! :-)

    I haven't been able to pay a lot of attention to my blog due to my work, and I'm paying the consequences. Visits dropped, regulars are MIA, no comments... snif! :-)

  43. DoubleDeckerBusGuyMar 28, 2008, 3:07:00 AM

    I'm forty-one, six-foot one-inch tall, 270 lbs.... and my mother STILL refers to me as her "Little Boy".

    ...I understand though... my daughters will all have milk on their chins until they have grandkids to me too!


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