There was a display case showing examples of what not to bring onto the plain with your carry-on luggage. This plastic case includes items like a can of gas, a propane blow torch (...), and a chainsaw.
Seriously. A chainsaw.
As I said, I was so sorry that I couldn't have time to take a better picture. Isn't that awesome? People must have been caught smuggling a chainsaw in for them to put it there!!!
So now I have to look for another Christmas gift for the boys. Sheesh.

Hay un display mostrando cosas que uno no debería subir al avión como parte de su equipaje de mano. El display incluye cosas como un bidón con nafta (gasolina), un lanzallamas de propano (...) y una motosierra.
En serio. Una motosierra.
Como dije, lamento tanto que no pude hacerme el tiempo de sacar una foto buena. Pero no es fantástico? Deben haber agarrado a alguno tratando de meter una motosierra dentro del avión para que hayan puesto una ahí!!!
Ahora tengo que buscar otro regalo de Navidad para mis hijos varones. Ufa.
LOL. When my ex and I went to New York City in 1999, they airport security at JFK let a guy on the plane with a big ceremonial knife. I am no knife expert, but it looked sharp. And big. Almost as long as my arm.
ReplyDeleteI am NOT kidding.
Mind you, I had to leave my bottled water behind. Makes perfect sense.
Jajaja no te puedo creer que alguien haya intentado abordar el avion llevando una motosierra. ¿Acaso pensaba serruchar el avion?.
ReplyDeleteBueno, debo admitir que me he traído una espada tipo medieval (sisi, así de grande y todo) arriba en el avión (quiero decir que no la despaché) desde España.
ReplyDelete'Ta bien, era el '99 tmb, sin talibanes ni terroristas declarados, pero buéh, medio kamikaze lo mío (y del nabo que me dejó subirla!!)
Biddie, I brought a medieval sword on a plane from Spain to Argentina back in 99...
Have to admit times were a bit different, but still, looking back it was crazy! (that they let me carry it with me because it wouldn't fit into my suitcase)
Paola, it was very nice of you to post your comment in both languages! :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd you're right, those were different times; I can't imagine anybody trying to take anything bigger than a toothpick with them nowadays...
ReplyDeleteThanks Osama, now I have to take my shoes off most of the times and can't even carry my own toothpaste!
PS: it was only fair...
It gets even worse for me, Paola. Due to my hip surgery, I have a piece of metal and at least five screws in my...butt. So it has happened a few times, that I go through the metal detector and ... "beep, beep, beep". Once I take off belts, coins, etc. I end telling the guy "Look, it's not exactly a case of buns of steel but I do have some metal in my butt. Wanna see?"
ReplyDeleteOf course, nobody wants to see. :-)