Stayed in my room until around 10AM, doing work, when I realized I had to 'check out' (the place I was staying was more of a guesthouse that a hotel)... but there was nobody there. By the time the owner came back, it was 10:55 AM and I had been waiting outside since, not knowing what to do, concerned because my flight was at 11:35 and I had no idea of how far the airport was... oh, and it was -25C outside.
I finally paid -of course they didn't accept my company card, almost nobody does!- and started to walk towards the airport, just from the memory of having seen the town from the air and on Google Maps.
Ten minutes later, I was there. And checking in was no problem... I was the only passenger!
- Good morning, I am checking in...
- Are you Gabriel? Put your bag here and wait over there, plane is coming soon.
- Ok...
I saw my plane arrive at 11:32; somebody came out with a big box of coffee and a dozen donuts. The chief of police was waiting for her... but that's not what is important... what that told me was that... there is a Tim Hortons in Kashechewan!
We took off at 11:47. The copilot took a couple of pictures of me in front of the plane, and I forgot that I had my Velez Sarsfield jersey underneath! Screw the -30C, I should have taken my coat off for that one!
We landed at 12:10PM. The pilot took another picture of me in front of the plane --this time with my soccer jersey on. He even taught me how to take a panoramic picture! The driver from the hospital wasn't available until 1:00PM so I had to wait there... not much to do at an empty airport in the Arctic, especially when there is no wifi or network coverage.
Coats are for wimps! - Las camperas son para los cagones!
The driver picked me up and when I finally got to the nursing station...the doctor wasn't there, so I had to wait again. I walked around the corner and went to the Northern store, because that's where Tim Hortons was! I bought a coffee and also ate about half a cheese taquito...
Painful reminder: there are no sidewalks here, so you have to walk on the streets. If you find even the tiniest strip of snow on the sides, walk on that. The rest is pure ice.
Got back to the nursing station, where the doctor not only was not aware of me coming, but also told me that somebody from our Québec office had come to do the same work only two month ago (maintenance is required twice a year). To make things even better, this X-Ray unit wasn't even being used! So that was it for me. Went back to the front and asked how I could get a ride to my next destination, Fort Albany. They said they were going to post something on Facebook so somebody would come pick me up and take me through the winter road.
I don't even ask anymore. :-)
By 2:30 PM, nobody had picked up the job, so I did something that would never fail: grab my laptop and start to do some work stuff, so somebody would come and force me to put everything back in the bag inmediately. Well, it failed this time...
I finally left town at around 5:00 PM, they did take me through the winter road for $60

Finalmente pude pagar -por supuesto que no aceptaban la tarjeta de crédito de mi empresa, nadie lo hace!- y salí caminando hacia el aeropuerto, de pura memoria de haber visto el pueblo desde arriba y en Google Maps.
Diez minutos más tardes, estaba allí. Hacer el check in tan tarde no fue problema… era el único pasajero!
- Buenos días, vengo a hacer el check in…
- Sos Gabriel? Poné tu valija aquí y sentate allá, el avión ya está viniendo.
- OK…
Mi avión llegó a las 11:32; alguien salió con una gran jarra de cartón de café y una docena de donas. El jefe de policía estaba esperando a esta persona… pero eso no era lo importante, lo que esto significaba era que… había un Tim Hortons en Kashechewan!
Salimos a las 11:47. El copiloto me sacó un par de fotos frente al avión, y yo me olvidé de que tenía la camiseta de mi querido Vélez Sarsfield puesta! Qué importaban los -30C, debería haberme sacado la campera para la foto!
Aterrizamos a las 12:10PM. El piloto me sacó dos fotos más al llegar -esta vez con mi camiseta solamente. Hasta me enseñó a sacar fotos panorámicas! El conductor del hospital no podía venir hasta la 1:00 PM así que tuve que esperar allí… resultó que no hay mucho para hacer en un aeropuerto vacío en el Ártico, especialmente si no hay ni wifi ni cobertura de teléfono celular.
El chofer me levantó y finalmente fuimos a la estación sanitaria pero.. el doctor no estaba, así que tuve que esperar otra vez. Salí caminando y al doblar la esquina me metí en el Northern Store, porque ahí estaba el Tim Hortons! Me compré un café y tambíén me comí medio taquito de queso…
Un recordatorio doloroso: aquí no hay veredas, así que hay que caminar en la calle. Si uno ve el más pequeño pedacito de nieve en los costados, hay que caminar por ahí, porque el resto es puro hielo.
Volví a la estación sanitaria, y el doctor no sólo no sabía que yo venía sino que además me dijo que alguien de nuestra oficina en Québec ya había hecho este trabajo hacía sólo dos meses (el mantenimiento se hace dos veces al año). Para peor, esta unidad de Rayos X no se estaba usando! Eso era todo para mí en ‘Kash’. Volví a recepción y pedí cómo podía conseguir un viaje a mi próximo destino, Fort Albany. Me dijeron que iban a poner algo en Facebook para que alguien me buscara y me llevara al pueblo vecino a través de los caminos de hielo.
Ya ni pregunto el por qué de las cosas a esta altura.
Para eso de las 2:30 PM, todavía nadie había aplicado por el trabajo, así que hice algo que jamás falla: tomé mi laptop y me puse a hacer trabajo, en particular documentación (porque internet no tenía), así alguien venía enseguida y me obligaba a poner todo de vuelta en mi bolso. Bueno, esta vez falló…
Finalmente pude irme a las 5:00 PM, el chofer del hospital se apiadó de mí y me llevó por los caminos de invierno por la módica suma de $60
Brrr! Looks cold, and I'm SO ready for spring. Great photos, though.
ReplyDeleteI hope you'll come share at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/02/the-walls-of-san-juan.html
I did already! I also left a comment because your beautiful pictures reminded me of the wonderful times I had in San Juan with my wife, back in 2012