Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Silly Monkey Stories #241 – Random anatomy fact

(En español más abajo)
Canada08/Dec/2013 – Florencia (10)
Sunday, about 8:30PM. We’re all in the car, driving back from the Christmas Pageant I mentioned in my previous post. Out of nowhere, we hear Florencia say:
- Did you notice that you butt goes up and down when you’re laughing?
Gaby, Juan and Caro were as taken by surprise as I was, and they all burst into laughter. And of course, it was time to prove Flor’s theory:
- It’s true!!!
- Flor, you’re right!!!
- Hahaha, Florencia, how do you come up with these things??
I had to keep driving… haven’t verified this interesting fact yet, so leave me a good joke in the comments area and I will let you know how high my butt went… :-)
Argentina08/Dic/2013 – Florencia (10)
Domingo, a eso de las 8:30PM. Estamos todos en el auto, volviendo de la presentación de Navidad que mencioné en mi post anterior. De la nada, viene el comentario de Florencia:
- Notaron que tu cola sube y baja cuando te reís?
Gaby, Juan y Caro fueron tomados tan de sorpresa como yo lo fui, y los tres se mataron de la risa. Y por supuesto, pudieron testear la teoría de Flor:
- Es verdad!!!
- Flor, tenés razón!!!
- Jajaja, Florencia, de dónde sacás estas ideas??
Yo tuve que seguir manejando… así que no he podido verificar esta teoría aún. Déjenme un buen chiste en los comentarios y les cuento hasta donde subió el mío… :-)
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  1. Doesn't it scare you when you think about all the things children think that they don't say out loud? :P

    Here are a couple of jokes my husband recently shared from other people on Facebook . . .

    "It's so cold outside, I just saw a teenager with his pants pulled all the way up!"

    "As a mortician, I always tie the shoelaces together of the dead. 'Cause if there's ever a zombie apocalypse, it will be hilarious."

    Either of those do it for you Gabriel?

  2. http://www.miamiherald.com/2009/02/11/427603/dave-barry-a-journey-into-my-colon.html


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