Mike (Pehuajó, Argentina)
Blog: Pehuajeando p’al mundo
Twitter: @pehuamike
Daniel, Sileny, Leah and Shiloh (Brampton, Canada)
Carina, Nair and Sofía (Necochea, Argentina)
Cris (Puerto Madryn, Argentina)
Twitter: @xxcristi
Ana Clara (Campana, Argentina)
Blog: Just as I am
Mike (Pennsylvania, USA)

Blog: Secret Dad Society
Twitter: @SecretDadBlog
Tiffany (North Carolina, USA)
Twitter: @mrsteeh
Teresa (Kentucky, USA)
Blog: NanaHood.com
Twitter: @NanaHoodYears
Coro Altamira (Necochea, Argentina)
Website: http://www.coroaltamira.com.ar/
Ana (Olivos, Argentina)
Laura and Tathyana (London, Canada)
José (Massachusetts, USA)
Twitter: @ilpeppe
Jennifer (Maine, USA)
Blog: Another Jennifer
Katie (Necochea, Argentina)
Blog: Seashells and sunflowers
Twitter: @katiealley
Jennifer (Melbourne, Australia)
Blog: Little Wandering Wren
Twitter: @LWWren
Guillermo (Burke, VA)
Twitter: @necochino
Ernesto (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Nik (Texas, USA)
Blog: Dad Labs
Twitter: @DadLabs
Justin (New Brunswick, Canada)
Blog: Life in 140
Twitter: @140justinc
Seth (California, USA)
Blog: Forty Weeks Later
Twitter: @FortyWeeksLater
Francisco, Johanna, Kristel and Alejandro (Waterloo, Canada)
Trinity United Church (Kitchener, Canada)
Website: http://www.tuckitchener.org
Gabriel, Gabriela, Santi, Caro, Juan and Florencia (Kitchener, Canada)
Blog: Live from Waterloo
Twitter: @lfwaterloo
Merry Christmas to you all, I hope you have a wonderful day and thank you for hosting I am having fun seeing everyone's trees!
ReplyDeleteWren x
Wow, you have a lot of trees this year! Even one from Coro Alta Mira! I hope you have a lovely Christmas, Gabriel. ¡Feliz Navidad!