Thursday, November 15, 2012

We’re famous! :-) Oh, wait, just internet-famous :-(

USAA friend from work left me a message on my Facebook Inbox and I thought it was a virus, because all it said was “I found this on Photobomb. Is this you?” and then a link. But when I carefully searched the URL on Google, I ended discovering that it was indeed us, and we were featured at Photobomb, a very popular website about, well… photobombs (pictures that are intentionally ruined).
The picture is from Florencia’s birthday, and as we always do, it came right after a series of 'normal’ shots.
If you have been following this blog for a while, you will know how much I love the ‘art of photobombing’. I have even published a series of posts, which you can find here. To have been featured in this blog is just great, and also the fact that 114 people liked it so far, and about 10 shared it!
Now… who sent it to them? I will find out! :-)
image Scroll down for the original Vayan hacia abajo para el original
Un colega del trabajo me dejó un mensaje en Facebook que pensé que era un virus, porque todo lo que decía era “Encontré esta foto en Photobomb. Sos vos?” y luego un link. Pero una vez que busqué el URL cuidadosamente en Google, terminé descubriendo que sí, eramos nosotros, y estábamos en Photobomb, un website muy popular dedicado a los.. photobombs (fotos que son arruinadas intencionalmente).
La foto es del día del cumple de Florencia, y como siempre hacemos, vino después de una serie de fotos más ‘normales’.
Si han seguido mi blog desde hace tiempo, saben que soy un amante del ‘arte del photobombing’. Hasta he publicado una serie de posts, que pueden ver aquí. Haber salido en este website es genial, y el hecho de que hay al menos 114 personas a las que le gustó y otros 10 que compartieron la foto, ni les cuento.
Ahora… quién cornos les mandó la foto? Ya voy a averiguar! :-)
2012-10-24 - Cumple Florencia 028
2012-10-24 - Cumple Florencia 027
2012-10-24 - Cumple Florencia 030
2012-10-24 - Cumple Florencia 029
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  1. I have no idea how you did this to the photos. It is really cool. Thanks for sharing and congrats on being featured at photobomb.

  2. We didn't 'do' anything... That's how we look! :-)

    It was fun appearing on that website

  3. Wasn't me! But it it is funny, you have a picturesque and goofy family (in a good way!). Now... royalties on that pic??!


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