(En español más abajo)
We were having dinner together. Gaby was wearing an olive green shirt that looked really nice on her. We were all paying her compliments:
- You look very pretty, Mom!
- You actually look very beautiful in green, love…
As both me and Gaby were drinking water, Juan added, laconically:
- I once pooped that colour…
It hurts so bad when club soda goes so violently through your nose!
Estábamos cenando juntos. Gaby tenía puesta una remera color verde oliva que le quedaba muy linda. Todos comenzamos a elogiarla:
- Estás muy bonita, Mami!
- La verdad es que el verde te queda hermoso, mi amor…
Justo cuando Gaby y yo estábamos tomando algo, Juan agregó, lacónicamente:
- Yo una vez hice caca de ese color…
Cómo duele cuando la soda sale por tu nariz con tanta violencia!
Technorati Tags: Silly Monkey story
That is too funny! I almost had soda come out of my nose while reading it. :P
ReplyDeletejajajajajajajajaja Buenísimo!!!