Friday, April 01, 2011

A psychic at Tim Hortons

(En español más abajo)
CanadaLike every year during the month of March, Tim Hortons (a huge coffee chain here in Canada, now expanding to the US) is running their very successful ‘Roll up the rim’ campaign, in which you can win lots of prizes by, well, rolling up the rim of your coffee cup.
Traditionally unlucky, the family was on a roll today (pardon the pun), as both me and Santi have won two coffees in a row. Gaby is still looking for that wonderful day in which she will win something. Anything. Even a piece of bagel.
I went out to pick up Santi from work last night, so I took the three ‘free coffees’ coupons we had with me. On my way back, we made a stop at the Timmie next to home and that’s when this incredible conversation took place:
Me: – Yes, I would like two double-doubles and one triple-triple please (three creams, three sugars for Santi)
Voice on the speaker: Congratulations, please come to the second window.
Me and Santi looked at each other and started to laugh, while the guy was still talking to me. Congratulations’??? What for, for ordering three coffees?? What did this guy mean by that??
We were still laughing by the time we got home; it seemed so completely odd to say ‘congratulations’ to somebody who just orders a coffee that we couldn’t help to come to the following conclusion: either this guy was a psychic and he already knew we weren’t going to pay for the coffee because we had those coupons… or he was totally stoned. :-)
This is what Gaby always gets Esto es lo que siempre le sale a Gaby (source:
Como todos los años a esta altura, Tim Hortons (la enorme cadena de cafés en Canadá, tambié expandiéndose a USA) está en plena campaña ‘Roll up the rim’, una promoción exitosísima en la que todos desenrrollamos la parte de arriba del vasito para ver si nos ganamos algo…
Siempre muy desafortunados, hoy nos levantamos con toda la suerte, porque tanto Santi como yo nos ganamos dos cafés c/u. Gaby sigue invicta, soñando con el maravilloso día en que se va a ganar algo. Lo que sea. Hasta con un pedacito de un pancito se conforma.
Anoche me fui a buscar a Santi al trabajo, y me llevé los tres cupones de café gratis que tenía. Camino a casa, paramos en el ‘Timmies’ de acá cerca y ahí fue cuando tuvimos esta conversación tan extraña:
Yo: – Sí, quisiera dos cafés doble-doble y uno triple-triple, por favor (‘triple-triple’ significa tres cucharadas de crema y tres de azúcar, algo que sólo Santi puede procesar)
Voz en el parlante: Felicitaciones, por favor prosiga hasta la segunda ventana.
Santi y yo nos  miramos sorprendidos y nos echamos a reír, incluso mientras este buen hombre me seguía hablando. Felicitaciones’??? Por qué, por pedir tres cafecitos?? Qué habrá querido decir este tipo??
Aún nos reíamos para cuando llegamos a casa; nos pareció tan completamente agarrado de los pelos decir ‘felicitaciones’ a alguien que pide un café que terminamos sacando la siguiente conclusión: o este tipo es adivino y ya sabía que no ibamos a pagar por los cafés porque teníamos premio… o estaba totalmente ‘colocado’. :-)



  1. I almost spit my coffee across the room when I read the bottom picture. I peed in your cup...Seriously? Ewww...too much potty humor on the web lately! LOL!

  2. You know me... I'm a kid after all. I enjoy potty humour like the 7 year old I am at heart.

  3. Gabriel that cracked me up. I am still sitting here laughing. I am 64 but will always be a young boy at heart.

  4. Seguro que si no te decía nada te ibas a quejar por descortés.
    Que tipo complicado!!!

  5. hubiera sido bueno que le preguntaras porque te felicitaba, asi no nos quedabamos con la duda, jaja no crees?

  6. No pudimos, Angie, no podíamos dejar de reirnos! :-)

  7. I have no explanation for that mystery! Maybe you didn't have change in hand? Or maybe they are psychic!

    I only won one coffee once. But again, I don't go to Tims much.


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