My Dad and my uncle Enrique were very mischievous kids; I have already mentioned how they would run away after they had done something bad and climb up a tree, staying at the top for the rest of the day, as if they were hoping that my grandparents would forget about the whole thing. They would eventually come down, tired and hungry, and dinner would be surprisingly uneventful. Now once they were in bed and unable to run away... my grandfather Guillermo would show up, with his 'alpargata' (a typical Argentine sandal) in hand! They would not be able to sit for a while after those encounters... :-)

My grandmother René was a lovely woman. She got married very young (15), as it was customary in the rural areas back then, and soon she became the mother of twins. She had a very difficult life, dealing with a diabetes that caused her to become blind while still to young and eventually to die, at only 62 years of age. It would have been her ninetieth birthday yesterday...
Grandma René, as I was saying, was a very nice lady, but she would get very nervous whenever the kids were making her the butt of their jokes and pranks. She would run after them and once she found them atop the eucalyptus tree, she would threaten them in a very funny way:
- You're going to fall off the tree and get killed!!! AND THEN I'm going to beat you both up with my alpargatas!!! :-)
My paternal and maternal grandparents weren't that much in touch anymore when I was a kid, because my parents were divorced already, but both my grandmothers shared something: fear for all kinds of creepy creatures. More than once, we had hid a plastic spider in my grandma Haydeé's bed or hang it from the roof, always with the same result: my grandmother always passing out and us in big trouble. A few years later I found out that we hadn't been original at all: my father and my uncle had done way worse things 30, 35 years before...
Some day, while walking around, the twins had found a dead little snake. It was probably a harmless garden snake, because there aren't too many poisonous snakes in the area where I used to live. They picked the corpse up very carefully and took it back home, wondering what they could do with it.
They had the answer to their questions the moment they got back, as they found my grandma washing the dishes in the kitchen. She was standing right in front of a window, under which both juvenile delinquents positioned themselves. With a lot of patient, and armed with a large twig, they turned the poor snake into a puppet and started to make it go up by the wall, very slowly (as if they were imitating the moves of a real snake -- and snakes that small could climb up a 5 foot wall!).
Still hidden underneath the window, they kept raising the poor ophidian until a very loud scream gave them the information they needed: they had reached the necessary altitude for my grandmother to see it.
After that, the usual: the screaming, the chasing, the tree climbing, the long stay and the climbing down at dinner time.
My grandfather's alpargata did a lot of extra hours that evening!
Mi papá y mi tío Enrique eran bien traviesos de chicos; ya he contado anteriormente cómo se escapaban cada vez que hacían una de las suyas y se trepaban a un árbol, quedándose en la copa todo el día como esperando que mis abuelos se olvidaran del asunto. Finalmente bajaban, vencidos por el cansancio y el hambre, y la cena transcurría sin problemas. El asunto es que una vez que estaban en la cama y no tenían escapatoria... se hacía presente mi abuelo con su justiciera alpargata! :0)
Mi abuela René era una mujer muy cariñosa y buena. Se casó a muy temprana edad (15), como era costumbre en las zonas rurales para esa época, y pronto tuvo a sus gemelos. Tuvo una vida muy sufrida, aquejada por una diabetes que le causó una muy temprana ceguera y, eventualmente, la muerte, con apenas 62 años. Ayer hubiese sido su nonagésimo cumpleaños...
La abuela, contaba, era de muy buen carácter, pero se ponía muy nerviosa cuando los chicos hacían sus maldades. Una vez que encontraba a los fugitivos encaramados en el eucalipto, los amenazaba pero de manera muy graciosa:
- Se van a caer y se van a matar!!! Y encima, después los voy a reventar a alpargatazos!!! :-)
Mis abuelos maternos y paternos ya no tenían mucho contacto para cuando yo era un niño, porque mis padres ya estaban divorciados, pero había algo que mis dos abuelas compartían: el miedo por los 'bichos'. Más de una vez le habíamos jugado pesadas bromas a mi abuela Haydeé con una araña de plástico, siempre con el mismo resultado: mi abuela al borde del desmayo. Unos años más tarde me enteré de que no habíamos sido para nada originales: mi padre y mi tío habían hecho cosas peores 30, 35 años antes que nosotros...
Un día, andando por ahí, los mellizos habían encontrado una viborita muerta. Habría sido una culebrita inofensiva, porque en la zona en que yo vivía no habían muchas víboras venenosas. Con mucho cuidado la levantaron y la llevaron de vuelta para la casa, pensando en qué hacer con ella.
La respuesta la obtuvieron ni bien llegaron a su casa y se encontraron a mi abuela lavando en la cocina. Estaba justo parada en frente de una ventana, debajo de la cual se apostaron los pequeños delincuentes. Con mucha paciencia, ensartaron al pobre bicho con un palito largo y lo empezaron a subir muy despacito y contra la pared, como imitando los movimientos de la víbora (y como si una culebrita pudiera trepar una pared de un metro y medio de alto!).
Escondidos debajo de la ventana, fueron izando al desdichado ofidio hasta que un grito bien fuerte les dio la pauta de que habían alcanzado la altura necesaria para que mi abuela lo viera.
Después de los gritos, lo de siempre: las persecusión, la trepada al eucalipto, la permanencia por toda la tarde y el descenso a la hora de cenar.
La alpargata de mi abuelo hizo unas cuantas horas extras esa noche!
Where did you go?!! I was actually worried. i was thinking, he must have broken both hands to have missed one week of Silly Monkey Stories. :P
ReplyDeleteThis was a great post! I hope my children never get up enough nerve to pull pranks like that on me.
Me hiciste acordar cuando íbamos a acampar y aparecía un sapo adentro de alguna bolsa de dormir.