Sunday, October 18, 2009

Workplace Pranks - #01






CanadaThis story happened at the real estate office I worked many years ago, which I mentioned a week ago Friday. It was a fairly big company, with about 10 agents, a few administrative employees and several members of the owner’s family. A couple of part-time employees and two architects (who were brothers) completed the roster.

Among those who wouldn't show up every day there was a mature lady called Nelly. She lived alone, and didn't always seem to have all of her marbles in the jar, if you know what I mean. On top of that, she was very gullible. But aside of some of her stories about people she didn't know complotting against her, nothing would really make you think she was anything but eccentric.

We had had finished remodelling our kitchen during those days, so the architects came with a Polaroid to take some pictures. I immediately suspected that they were up to something, and I was right.

They took a picture of the kitchen, and then put the picture back into the camera. Then they called Nelly and asked her to pose for them, to which she agreed. Once she stood in there... of course, they 'took' another picture from the same angle. Those bastards... :-)

Imagine the poor lady's face when didn't see herself on the picture! She kept shaking it like the girls in the Outkast video, while these two kept telling her things like "How can this be possible?" and "Are you sure you're not a vampire or a ghost?"

Poor Nelly kept fidgeting and blowing at the photo while I was hardly able to hold the laughter. Knowing that this was going to last forever, the pranksters said to her:

- Oh, do not worry, Nelly. All we have to do is wait for the picture to cool down and then you'll be there...

They left and so did I, leaving our puzzled co-worker behind. At the end of the day, though, I went back to the kitchen to have a Coke.

When I opened the freezer to get some ice, I found the Polaroid in there! :-)

You feel bad for this poor lady? Don’t worry, the pranksters were on the receiving end soon after that. Wait until I post my next story!

Esto pasó hace muchos (muchísimos) años, en una inmobiliaria en la que trabajaba, la cual mencioné hace dos viernes. Era una empresa grande, en la que trabajaban unos 10 vendedores, un puñado de empleados administrativos, y varios miembros de la familia del dueño.  Un par de empleados de medio día y dos arquitectos (que eran hermanos) completaban el plantel.
Entre los que no venían a la oficina todos los días había una señora mayor llamada Nelly. Vivía sola y algunos decían que no parecía tener los patitos en fila, si se entiende la no muy elaborada metáfora. Además, era muy crédula. Pero más allá de algunas de sus historias acerca de gente que ella no conocía pero sabía que estaban ‘complotados’ en su contra, uno no podría decir que era algo más que un poquito excéntrica.
Acabábamos de terminar remodelando la cocina de la oficina por esos días, así que los arquitectos trajeron una cámara Polaroid para sacar fotos. Conociéndolos, inmediatamente sospeché que algo tramaban, y estaba en lo cierto.
Sacaron una foto de la cocina, y la volvieron a introducir en la cámara. Luego llamaron a Nelly y le pidieron que posara apara ellos, a lo cual accedió gustosa. Una vez que se paró (en el mismo lugar)… por supuesto, ‘sacaron’ otra foto. Qué podridos... :-)

Imagínense la cara de la pobre mujer cuando no se vio en la foto! Estuvo meta sacudir la Polaroid como si fuera una de las chicas del video de Outkast, mientras estos dos malvados le decían cosas como Cómo puede ser posible?” y Nelly, estás segura de que no sos medio vampiro o un fantasma?”

La pobre Nelly siguió sacudiendo y soplando la foto mientras yo (sí, me declaro culpable) apenas podía contener la risa. Sabiendo que esto podía a llegar a no tener fin, los bromistas le dijeron:

- Oh, no te preocupes, Nelly. Todo lo que tenés que hacer es esperar que la foto se termine de enfriar y ahí vas a ver cómo aparecés….

Una vez dicho esto se marcharon, y lo mismo hice yo, dejando a nuestra compañera muy confundida en la cocina. Al final del día, sin embargo, volví a la cocina para tomarme una Coca.

Cuando abrí el freezer para agarrar un poco de hielo, me encontré la Polaroid adentro! :-)

Se sienten mal por la pobre señora? No se preocupen, los burladores fueron burlados muy pocos días después. Esperen a leer mi próxima historia!

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  1. I hate cliff hangers! That was just mean, both the cliff hanger and what the architects did to poor Nelly. I will be back to morrow to see how she got even.

  2. Jajajajaja ya quiero leer la venganza! jejejej

  3. Deben ser de esas personas a las que si le decís que las vacas vuelan, salen a la calle con un casco...

  4. Jua...
    Empece a reirme cuando contabas que volvieron a meter la foto en la camara...

  5. Sorry about the cliff hangers! :-)

    There will be a continuation, but... it's going to be next Monday, and though the pranksters get to drink some of their own medicine, poor Nelly was not involved (she was to nice and well-intentioned to do something like somebody else did).

  6. I figure who was that desgraciado

  7. He aprendido que no es bueno hacerle una broma pesada a una mujer.... No me extrañaría que la venganza fuera peor!

  8. Olvidaba mencionar que tiene el mismo nombre que una antigua novia quien aprendí a no hacerle bromas pesadas a una mujer...

  9. Juassss jajajaja

    Muy buena broma, yo acostumbro hacerlas..

    No puedo esperar a ver la venganza..!!!

  10. That is such a funny story. I can't wait to hear how they suffered for their prank.

  11. Yo creo que Nelly se lo merecia, je, je, genial la broma.

  12. That is pretty funny. We pulled a prank on our intern last year during busy season. We flipped his computer screen upside down (ctl + alt + down arrow) and kept saying something must be wrong with his computer as we'd never seen anything like that. After a few reboots and no luck he finally gave in and called IT and that's when we had to tell him what was going on. I had to leave a few times though in those 10 minutes that it was going on because I almost gave it away.


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