Embarrassing moments
One of my first jobs was as a data entry/programmer at a real estate office in the North of the Great Buenos Aires. I worked there for quite some time and I remain in contact with many of them after all these years (how many, 20? 23?). I shared a big office with two people: the accountant and a secretary who was in charge of the rents and many other things. We were a very heterogeneous group (born in '47, '57 and '67), but we got along just great.
Unlike the rest of the employees, who would have a 2.5 hours long lunch break, we would work from 9 to 6. For that reason, it was mostly us three for lunch, with the occasional interruption from somebody who would come to pay a rent or something like that.
This particular day, the bell rang as we were finishing our lunch. It was a lady we knew, as she used to collect the rent from some buildings that belonged to us and bring them over. The accountant took the opportunity to step out, and the two ladies engaged in casual conversation while I was cleaning up.
Then I heard our visitor complain about the hot weather, and she said something like it was affecting her more those days. My friend looked at her and noticed the loose dress she was wearing, too big for a woman her size. So she exclaimed:
- Oh, I knew it. You're pregnant!!! Congratulations!!!
- (After about 5 seconds) No...
The two ladies stared at each other in silence, both embarrassed beyond belief, for a long time. The only noise that could be heard was that of me running up the stairs as fast as I could and then diving into the office, so I could laugh my butt off without feeling too bad...
- Ah, ya me parecía. Estás embarazada!!! Te felicito!!!
- (Luego de cinco segundos) No…
Las dos mujeres se miraron en silencio, ambas increíblemente avergonzadas por distintos motivos. El único ruido que se escuchó entonces fue el que yo hice al subir las escaleras corriendo a toda velocidad y luego tirándome de cabeza en mi oficina, así me podía reir sin sentirme demasiado culpable…
A mi me pasó algo parecido. Le di el asiento en el tren a una supuesta embarazada. Me miró con cara de odio pero igual se sentó.
ReplyDeleteEl de la falsa embarazada es un clasico. Yo una vez le pregunté a una clienta de cuanto tiempo estaba, je. No volvio mas, por supuesto.
ReplyDeleteJua, me parece que lo lindo de este caso es que esta mujer siguió viniendo lunes, miércoles y viernes luego de este episodio... :-)
ReplyDeleteYo desaparecía cada vez que ella llegaba, y mi amiga se tentaba porque sabía por qué...