What do you do when you have a kid who just loves soccer, tries very hard to make the city team but gets cut... two years in a row? What can you say?
We had our city's rep tryouts ten days ago, and Santi, Caro and Juan took part in them. Santi was, as we were expecting, offered a spot in his age group's "A" team. If his biggest concern was playing time he shouldn't worry anymore, as it seems like the other two forwards are not coming back... He has a big decision to make, but this has just become a multiple choice test: to our surprise, he has also been told that he could try out for the U16 "B" team, should he be unhappy with the U15. What will he do, I have no clue.
Carolina was a little reluctant to the idea of coming to the tryouts, as she wants to stay with her current team. I told her that she has to find what the highest level she can play at is first, and then she can make an informed decision, something I learned from Robert (the U16 coach for whom Santi played a month ago). I couldn't watch her in action due to double booking, but she hasn't said she had been cut, so who knows... You never know with Carolina.
And then there's Juan. As I said, he tried really hard. I did watch him in action and he was doing really well. "He might make the cut this time", I thought; but then he came looking for me with his eyes full of tears, saying that the coach wanted to talk to us. He must remember to stay in his position, and he needs to work on his stamina, the coach said. Juan took the news like a man and even shook hands with the guy who was releasing him. We’ve talked, so he knows this is not the end of the world; he is still playing house league and then there's the Select team in the summer (where Caro played this season).
Juan went to say hello to Robert afterwards (he was his very first coach), and he made him an offer: he wants Juan to join his U16 guys when they're back on the field, because he wants to make Juan his special project. Can you imagine? He's half their size! Robert then said something that I will remember, and I hope Juan does too:
- Don't try to be the best player there is; you have to try to be the best Juan there is
Between the offer and the advice he got, Juan left the field very happy in spite of having been cut 20 minutes before. I guess that's another one I owe Robert...
UPDATE: This article was written several days ago, and there are some new developments since: Carolina was finally cut this past Saturday (but she didn't mind, as she wants to play for the other team), and Santi finally decided to join the "A" team again next season. Oh, and I quit as a coach, not that there's anybody interested in that...

Y después viene Juan. Como dije, hizo un esfuerzo muy grande. A él sí lo pude ver en acción, y me pareció que le estaba yendo muy bien. "Tal vez lo logre esta vez", pensé; pero luego me vino a buscar con los ojos llenos de lágrimas, diciendo que el coach quería hablar con ambos. Tiene que trabajar más en jugar en su posición, y también le hace falta más resistencia y energía, dijo el coach. Juan tomó las malas noticias como un hombre y hasta le dio la mano a quien lo estaba descartando. Luego hablamos, así que sabe que esto no es el fin del mundo; va a seguir jugando house league y luego podrá aspirar a entrar al Select team (donde jugó Caro esta temporada que pasó).
Juan fue a saludar a Robert (fue su primer coach), y él le hizo una oferta: quiere que Juan vaya a los tryouts de los chicos U16 cuando ellos empiecen, porque quiere hacer de Juan su proyecto especial. Se imaginan? Es de la mitad del tamaño del resto! Robert luego le dijo algo a Juan que voy a recordar, y espero que Juan también lo haga, siempre preocupado por competir con su hermano:
- No trates de ser el mejor jugador que existe; tratá de ser el mejor Juan que existe
Entre la oferta que le hicieron y los consejos que le dieron, Juan se fue de los tryouts muy contento, a pesar de que lo habían eliminado 20 minutos antes. Otro favor que le debo a Robert…
UPDATE: Este artículo fue escrito hace unos cuantos días, y ya hay novedades: a Carolina la eliminaron de los tryouts el sábado pasado (pero no le importó mucho, ya que quiere jugar con su club actual) y Santi finalmente decidió jugar de nuevo en el equipo "A" la temporada que viene. Ah, y yo renuncié, en caso que a alguien le interese...
Me acuerdo de la vez anterior...
ReplyDeleteEs muy importante para Juan que sepa que no tiene que compararse con nadie. Cada quien tiene diferentes cualidades y eso es lo bueno de cada individuo.
La teoría suena mas fácil que la realidad, pero es bueno que se lo hagan notar.
Robert is very wise. It's good advice for all of us in many areas of our lives. We spend so much time trying to outdo each other, compete with each other when all we really need to focus on is being the best person we can be. Thanks for the reminder!
ReplyDeleteLa verdad, amo que los chicos hagan deportes pero me parece que dentro de los equipos de la ciudad se debe tomar a todo el que tenga deseo de hacerlo y no descartar a ningún niño, el deporte debe ser un divertimento y una mejora de la condición física y no una lucha descarnada por ver quien llega a los primeros puestos frustando a los niños.
ReplyDeleteLore, Juan sabía que era probable que no entrara, así que esta vez no se hizo mucho drama. Pero sí, es cierto, de a poco está aprendiendo que no se tiene que comparar con su hermano todo el tiempo. El otro guacho se lo hace dificil, porque le va bien en todo!!!
ReplyDeleteAle, eso de que cualquiera pueda jugar existe y para eso son las 'house league'. El objetivo de esas ligas es que los chicos se diviertan y aprendan, no que ganen. Yo he dirigido a mis hijos varias veces y nunca tuve dramas en poner a un perro irredimible en plena final... pero no todos somos así, conozco a otros que fueron echados de la cancha en un partido de nenes de ocho años, if you know what I mean... ;-)
XUP, Robert is more than a good friend, he's a great coach and a great mentor. Every time I see him I learn from something he said or did. Juan played for him and his brother Frank when he was only four, and he still calls them 'my coach' seven years later... (Robert loves this story).
Thank you so very much for dropping by, by the way! :-)