Live from Waterloo is on holidays! We’ll be back on August 5th

We were talking about our kids with my brother, and somehow mentioned that Santi is already going to parties. Particularly, those called “MuchMusic Video Dances”, which are normally held as fundraisers for a specific school, community association or minor sports team.
Santi has been going to these parties for a couple years now, and I believe Carolina has also gone to one or two as well. They’re normally held at RIM Park, a huge sports facility we have in Waterloo, that features several soccer fields (indoor and outdoor), a few baseball diamonds, ice hockey rinks, basketball fields, etc. The rules are simple –and they give you peace of mind: you drop the kids at 7:00 PM, and they won’t let any kids go unless their parents show up (at around 10:00 PM).
My brother was just asking about that when Santi started eavesdropping, and quickly decided to intervene… not knowing exactly what we were talking about…
My brother asks “So, how much time do they spend at those dances?”, to which I reply “The MuchMusic ones? They’re from 7 to 10…”. My reply is all what Santi hears, so he doesn’t waste the opportunity to once again correct me and at the same time impart his wisdom:
- No, Dad!!! Kids older than 10 can go too. What would I be doing there if not????
Ahhh, the satisfaction of finally catching your son saying something wrong instead of the other way around…
Estábamos hablando de nuestros hijos con mi hermano, y de alguna mencioné que Santi ya está yendo a fiestas. Específicamente, mencioné los “MuchMusic Video Dances”, que normalmente se organizan para juntar fondos para una escuela, asociación comunitaria o equipo de fútbol, hockey, etc.
Santi ha estado yendo a estas fiestas por un par de años, y creo que hasta Carolina ya ha ido a una o dos. Normalmente, son organizadas en el RIM Park, un enorme complejo deportivo que tenemos en Waterloo, el que incluye varias canchas de fútbol (al aire libre y bajo techo), diamantes de beisbol, canchas de hockey sobre hielo, basquetbol, etc. Las reglas son simples –y tranquilizadoras: uno deja a los chicos a las 7:00 PM, los cuales no podrán salir a menos que sus padres aparezcan a buscarlos (a eso de las 10:00 PM).
Mi hermano me estaba justamente preguntando sobre eso cuando Santi comenzó a escuchar la conversación, y pronto decidió intervenir… sin saber exactamente de qué estábamos hablando…
Guillermo preguntó “Y cuánto tiempo duran esos bailes?”, a lo que repliqué “Cuáles, los de MuchMusic? Son de 7 a 10…”. Mi respuesta es todo lo que Santiago escucha, así que decide no perderse la oportunidad de meterse y corregirme una vez más, impartiendo su sabiduría al mismo tiempo:
- No, Papi!!! Hay chicos de más de 10 que van también. Si no que hago yo allí???
Ahhh, la satisfacción de finalmente ser uno quien atrapa a su hijo diciendo algo incorrecto… para variar.
Technorati Tags: Silly Monkey story
Viejo, vos te tomás vacaciones para molestar a tus hijos ?
ReplyDeleteCuando se de vuelta la tortilla vamos a leer los blogs de ellos cuando cuenten las veces que engancharon al jovato.
That's what he gets for eavesdropping. :)
ReplyDeleteI'd have had the same reaction just a few years ago!
ReplyDeleteYou really have to keep your blog to show them all these stories they will (pretend to) forget in a few years :D
with whom were you talking about this? I guess... the sun was really hot that day. I don't remember this.
ReplyDeleteAge does terrible things to one's memory (so does Quilmes)...