I guess this will bring his family some peace, but honestly, I don’t know how they will be able to get back on with their lives…
Now I read in “The Record” (the local newspaper, and only one I saw reproduce the news) that the two charged with the kidnapping and murder will see their trials begin sometime next year.
Trial? Didn’t these two pieces of scum confess already? We will now have see them sit and listen to a prosecutor tell them how “bad” they are, before they receive –I certainly hope– their life sentences??? So they go to jail and stay there while we –including the Staffords– pay for their stay with our taxes?
And here’s where I get really mad. They will get life? For killing a girl? Damn, these are the moments where I wished we were living in one of those trigger-happy states south of the border… at least I hope everybody at whatever prison they take them find out who they are and what they’ve done so they beat the crap out of them. But they don’t deserve anything but death penalty in my opinion.
What’s that? That I’m promoting violence? Well… hell, yes. At least in these cases. These people do not deserve to live.

Bueno, terminó la búsqueda luego de tres meses. Los restos de Tori Stafford fueron encontrados cerca de Mount Forest, Ontario. El cuerpo de la pobre nena de 8 años había quedado expuesto a los elementos, así que fue necesario recurrir a los registros dentales para reconocerla.
Supongo que esto le dará a la familia algo de paz, pero me pregunto cómo hace uno para continuar con su vida luego de esto…
Leo también en el periódico local “The Record” (el único que he visto hasta ahora reproducir la noticia) que los dos acusados por el secuestro y muerte van a ser llevados a juicio el año entrante.
Juicio? No habían confesado esas dos basuras? Ahora vamos a tener que ver como se sientan y oyen al fiscal decirles lo “malos” que son, antes de que reciban –espero– sus cadenas perpetuas??? Así, ellos van a la cárcel y se quedan mientras todos nosotros –incluyendo a los Stafford– les pagamos con nuestros impuestos?
Y aquí es donde me pongo loco. Les van a dar prisión perpetua? Por matar a una niñita? Mierda, estos son los momentos en los que lamento no vivir en esos estados al sur de la frontera en donde se sacan esta clase de escoria de encima como se debe … espero que al menos se enteren todos en la prisión a donde vayan a parar de quiénes son y qué han hecho, así les rompen el alma como merecen. Pero yo no les daría otra cosa que la pena de muerte.
Cómo? Que estoy promoviendo la violencia? Bueno… claro que sí! Al menos en estos casos. Esta gente no merece vivir.
Technorati Tags: Tori Stafford
Que tristeza de noticia! :(
ReplyDeleteEste es uno de los casos cuando se apodera de uno la ira, la venganza y la impotencia y hace desearle nada menos que la muerte a estos tipos, asi que ya somos dos!.
Que en paz descanse este pobre angelito :'(..
Yes, they must be tried. There have been lots of cases where the police found someone to be guilty of a crime because there was pressure on them to solve it quickly.
ReplyDeleteNo Gabriel, they probably won't get life. 15 - 25 years is much more likely, plus time off for the girl, since she co-operated.
If they had robbed a bank at gunpoint, then they would get life. Ponzzi scheme? That's 150 years. Murder doesn't carry such a high sentence. Neither does rape.
Well, Jen, that's why I say that death penalty is the only punishment I would consider for a crime like this. And it might even be too lenient, because there's always the possibility of reincarnation, right?
ReplyDeleteIt sickens me to think that they might even get away with not getting life. I don't care how much the 'girl' co-operated, she killed an 8 year old girl.
No podría estar de acuerdo contigo. La sentencia de 15-25 es demasiado benevolente para este par. Espero que la justicia les llegue, de una manera u otra...
ReplyDeleteKuanyin, supongo que quisiste decir 'no podría estar MAS de acuerdo contigo'. :-)
ReplyDeleteComo dije, ya que no hay pena de muerte y van a prisión, al menos que se enteren todos allí de lo que hicieron, así les dan su merecido.
Que facil que me la haces... como no estar de acuerdo?
ReplyDeleteYo soy mas maldito, antes los haria sufrir un poquito...
I agree with you 100%. Life would be too good for them. Tori has no life, her brother is without his baby sister and parents have no daughter.
ReplyDeleteI hope and pray that this is not another case like Karla Homolka. That turned my stomach - still does.
Jen is right. They will most likely do less then life.
Makes me ill.
I wonder why it'll take them till next year to have the trail if there are already 2 scumbags in the line-up.
ReplyDeleteIt's cases of victims that are children that makes us wanna kill the scumbags with our bare hands!