Monday, April 27, 2009

Silly Monkey Stories #44 – A bucket

Canada25/Apr/2009 – Florencia (5)
As I mentioned before, Gaby and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary last Friday. Since I had just gotten back home and was going to stay for only a day, our dinner together quickly turned into a family outing, and we had dinner… at Wendy’s.
It seems that the burger Florencia ate didn’t sit well, as she was complaining of a tummy ache on Saturday morning; we gave her some drops, but she soon said that she felt like vomiting. Since she didn’t want that to interfere with her activities, Gaby gave her a bucket, twice as big as her head, that she carried everywhere for the rest of the day. :-)
It was painfully cute to watch her bring her bucket to the table for lunch on Saturday; she was concerned because well, we just re-carpeted the whole house… I left on Saturday afternoon, and there had been no incidents until then… but Sunday was a different story.
And one of them happened exactly where she didn’t want it to happen: our brand new carpet…
Argentina 25/Abr/2009 –  Florencia (5)
Como ya he contado, Gaby y yo celebramos nuestro 17º aniversario el viernes pasado. Como yo acababa de volver y me iba a quedar sólo por un día, nuestra cena a solas rápidamente se convirtió en una salida en familia, y cenamos… en Wendy’s.
Se ve que la hamburguesa no le cayó bien a Flor, porque ya el sábado a la mañana se quejaba del dolor de barriga; le dimos unas gotas, pero pronto dijo que le parecía que iba a vomitar. Como estaba decidida a que eso no interfiriera con sus actividades, Gaby le dio un balde (cubeta), del doble del tamaño de su cabeza, el que paseó por todos lados por el resto del día. :-)
Era muy tierno  y doloroso a la vez verla a la pobre cuando traía el balde a la mesa para almorzar el sábado; estaba preocupada porque bueno, acabamos de cambiar todas las alfombras de la casa… Yo me fui el sábado a la tarde, sin que se hubieran reportado incidentes… pero el domingo fue distinto.
Y uno de esos incidentes ocurrió exactamente donde ella no quería que ocurriera: nuestra flamante alfombra…
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  1. ahhh poor girl! Sometimes whenthey are feeling the worse they are the cutest!

  2. Awwww! Poor little thing. Yeah, I've pretty much had to give up on a pristine carpet. A perfect carpet and young children (or elderly pets for that matter) just don't go together.

  3. keep off the junk food. that is the message.....:)

  4. Hello from Brunei Darussalam..Nice blog you've got here. Do check out mine, too, at

  5. Congrats on your 17th wedding anniversary.

    It aches me to see a sick child. :(


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