Tuesday, December 09, 2008

WW#57 - Horses

Found them just outside of the hotel where I’m staying – Dedicated to my daughters, who love horsies
Los encontré justo afuera del hotel en que estoy – Se lo dedico a mis hijas, que aman los caballitos
NOTE: I’m posting this ahead of time because I have a 17-hour work day ahead of me tomorrow. I have another scheduled post, but I won’t be able to comment or visit you back until Thursday afternoon. Sorry I’m making you wait…
NOTA: Estoy posteando por adelantado porque mañana me espera un día de 17 horas de trabajo. Tengo otro post preparado para que salga al mediodía, pero no podré comentar o visitarlos hasta el jueves por la tarde. Perdón por hacerlos esperar…
More pictures from Dianne, Napaboaniya, Sreisaat and Jams ODonnell


  1. El de la segunda foto esta tiernisimo...parece un bebecito!!!

  2. Me encantan los caballos pero ellos no me quieren a mi :PQue bellos los ojos, son preciosos!

  3. They are so SWEET! You just want to give them all a big hug!

  4. I'm amazed,and believe it or not,look at my WW this week and you'll understand;)Wonderful photos

  5. Beautiful horsies, Gabriel. It does get intimidating when you're up close with them (at least for me).Don't work too hard :)

  6. Primera vez que veo caballos vestidos!!! Que no están en el hipódromo!Saludos!Buena jornada! No te canses!

  7. Lindos caballitos...No voy a caer en el chiste fácil, acerca de que equipo estaba entrenando en tu hotel...Un abrazo, cuidate.

  8. Beautiful horses post dedicated to your gals :)17 hours workload sounds scary!!

  9. 17 horas? Uhh, espero se te pasen rápido.Saludos

  10. may I know what kinds of horses they are? I mean the species or something. I see they are short enough as a horse. They look like different with horses in my country, Indonesia. In my country, the horses are tall enough and big too. But I like this horse, so cute. And hey, do they use a dress?? what's that in their body? and what for? ups, sorry for much question hehe. but I see this blog from google when I search something good, and I see your horse, very amazing

  11. Outside a hotel? Are they available for dies?17-hour work day!? Are you a cop on a stalk out? :)

  12. ahhhh.... sorry. Are they available for rides? hehe...

  13. How sweet! I bet that Gaby and the kids miss you at least as much as you miss them! When are you coming back?

  14. hurray to the horses! are they for rent for riding? Happy WW!

  15. Love the horses - they're quite beautiful. The close-up is especially nice. Thanks for linky love! :D

  16. What a sweet face!! Great pics!

  17. looks like the horses are cold..my entries are < HREF="http://sweetprettynaughty.blogspot.com/2008/12/wordless-wednesday.html" REL="nofollow">here<> and < HREF="http://www.sweetytots.com/2008/12/gift-giving-at-kids-ahoy-donate-book.html" REL="nofollow">here<>

  18. Wow, what an unusual looking horse.

  19. Happy WW! Interesting photos. Are these mini horses?

  20. Certainly a nice photos,Gabriel! Must be fun to ride!

  21. I love horsies too...so thank you for sharing their beauty!

  22. Que lindas fotos... Espero que tengas tiempito despues de las 17 horas para tomar mas fotos!Saludos

  23. Así espero <>MCB<>. Llevo cuatro horas ya, y todo marcha muy bien; tal vez tenga que quedarme menos tiempo...Eso sí, por las dudas fui muy responsable y dejé tres post programados. Mi esposa se enojó porque estaba blogueando a las 2:00 AM... :-)Bueno, me vuelvo al trabajo

  24. I love this picture...It reminds me of when I was growing up. I used to own a horse, and I really miss horseback riding...

  25. Beautiful horses!! don't work too hard :)Happy ww!

  26. They look cute. Very fuzzy in their winter coats. I was horse crazy when I was younger but my dad wasn't so I never learned to ride. Maybe I will one of these days.

  27. Aaaayyyy... que lindos caballitooss

  28. No seas asi Fafa.Igual al segundo le veo cara de susto, tu hermano no habra querido dar una vuelta sobre el ?


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