Saturday, December 20, 2008

Weekly Winners #44 - Dec/14 to Dec/20

I didn’t do Weekly Winners last week, and that was in purpose. It was my simple, silly way to pay tribute to my blog buddy Lotus, author of Sarcastic Mom, and creator of this weekly meme, who is going through some very tough times. Here’s me sending another hug to her and her family.
I wrote about ‘Snow-mageddon’ on Thursday afternoon, and I have to say that once again the weather forecast was accurate. We had some twenty-plus centimetres of snow, and pretty much the same amount is expected tomorrow. The snowfall began exactly at 7:00 AM, as the forecast had predicted, and lasted pretty much all day.
The kids still had school, and I did go to work, but the office closed at 3:00 PM. I took some pictures there, and some more at home, once the kids came back from school. Hope you enjoy them.
No hice los Weekly Winners la semana pasada, y eso fue intencional. Fue una manera simple, boba si se quiere de brindarle un tributo a mi amiga Lotus, autora de Sarcastic Mom, y creadora de este meme semanal, que está pasando por un muy duro momento. Desde aquí le mando otro abrazo a ella y su familia.
El jueves a la tarde escribí sobre el ‘Snow-mageddon’, y debo decir que una vez más el pronóstico meteorológico fue certero. Tuvimos más de 20 centímetros de nieve, misma cifra que se espera para mañana. La nevada comenzó a las 7:00 AM, la hora en que había sido prevista, y duró prácticamente todo el día.
Los chicos tuvieron escuela de todos modos, y yo fui a trabajar, pero la oficina cerró a las 3:00 PM. Saqué algunas fotos allí, y otras más en casa, una vez que los chicos volvieron. Espero que les gusten.
pic 003
pic 006
pic 007
These ones are from my office window…Estas son desde la ventana en mi oficina…
pic 008
pic 009
pic 010
pic 011
My balcony and the view from it (and the deck) – Mi balcón y la vista desde allí (y el deck)
pic 014
pic 018
pic 019
pic 021
pic 024
pic 027
The girls shoveling, and then all four playing in the snow – Las chicas paleando y luego todos jugando en la nieve
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  1. oh too much snow - you guys look like us - I love the keyhole shot!

  2. Wow, wow, wow! The snow is amazing (to someone who hasn't seen any in years!) and reminds me of being a kid. Looks like they are enjoying it!

  3. Holy cow, what a lot of snow!! Glad it's so hot here all of a sudden :)

  4. Beautiful snow pictures! I wish we had snow here too but it's only rain:( We used to have much snow every winter but last too winters are rainy:( Maybe it's green house effect?

  5. Wow! Look at that snow.Amazing.

  6. It looks like your girls are having so much fun!!! There is not going to be any snow in Belgium in the next couple of days, according to the weatherman!! No white Christmas for us!! I wish you and your family a very merry Christmas Gabriel!

  7. Pretty snow shots. I love the ones from your office.

  8. Wow that is a lot of snow. I liked the pictures of the kids playing in it! What fun.

  9. That snow is amazing isn't it? It's still coming down today.Great shots, Gabriel... nice to see the kids enjoying it too!

  10. I'd love to play in that snow! Great winter wonderland shots, Gabriel.

  11. Lindas fotos...Aca no podria sacar fotos como esas.Podria si, sacar algunas arrastrandonos por el calor rogando por un poco de esa nieve.

  12. Gabriel, I don't have your email address, but wanted to tell you that yes, you can "steal" a pic for your photobombing post! Thanks for asking!Also, I took down the offensive potty photos! lol. Just never thought about the fact that he'd hate me for that one day, only how cute he was! They were not poop pics, though! Only one of the many times that day he sat there for a long time and nothing happened at all (in my defense!) =)

  13. Me encanta la nieve aunque seguramente se debe hacer bastante molesta cuando nieva en exceso.Los chicos fueron a la escuela, y que paso con la misa del domingo y la primera parte del oratorio ?

  14. Ok, ya vi lo del concierto. Espero que subas algo.


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