Tuesday, November 04, 2008

WW#51 - We were kids too

Me and Gaby at age four

More pictures from Dianne, Napaboaniya and Jams ODonnell


  1. Oh my goodness - how incredibly sweet is that? Love the pix. :DThanks for linky love!

  2. Me muero con estas fotos!!!!!Buenisimas!!!Besos

  3. I always hate seeing pictures of myself from that far back. Maybe if I'd been this cute it wouldn't bother me so much.Good one!

  4. Very cute kids. I wonder who they are? I'm with Mojo but I do post a few.Happy WW! :-)..

  5. How fun to look back at how we were when we were that young! :) Brought back memories huh!

  6. Great idea! May I "borrow" the idea and post a baby pic of mine on my next WW? :DHappy WW!And thanks for dropping by my blog so early!

  7. Every time I see photos of you and Gaby, I can't get over how much the kids look you both! Cute pics.

  8. Me parecio ver a Florcita en la foto de abajo jejeje. Igual a la mamá.

  9. Happy WW! Great family photos. YES WE CAN!I invite your blog readers to see < HREF="http://tinyurl.com/62bvb6" REL="nofollow">America's First Family<>!peace, Villager

  10. Nice family photos of youMy WW entry this week : < HREF="http://www.picturingoflife.com/2008/11/do-it-yourself.html" REL="nofollow">in HERE<> and < HREF="http://julianarw.blogspot.com/2008/11/china-yuan.html" REL="nofollow"> HERE<>. Hope you have time to visit . Thanks

  11. <>Biddie, Nata<>, that was exactly what we were talking about. Gaby doesn't think she looks like Florencia in that picture, but she was outvoted 5-1. Hey, look at me using topical humor! :-)<><>Biddie, Nata<>, eso es exactamente de lo que estábamos hablando. Gaby no cree que se parezca a Flor en la foto, pero perdió 5-1 en la votación. Vieron como puedo usar temas de actualidad para mis chistes? :-)<>

  12. oh those are so neat!!! Happy WW!

  13. Oh - so sweet! I love looking at old photos, especially of my parents and grandparents. The photos tell me how much I look like them :)

  14. So cute!I have to hunt out mine. :)

  15. cute.. nostalgic.. Please Visit my entry Little J with the witches < HREF="http://www.sweetytots.com" REL="nofollow"> here<> and kids at the party < HREF="http://www.sweetprettynaughty.blogspot.com" REL="nofollow"> here<>2nd part of Halloween Trick or treat at Rockwell

  16. Ah, to be young again. But perhaps not quite that young.

  17. Pasaste de ser una ternura de bebe a una ternura de grandulon! Y Gaby...divina!

  18. Que lindas fotos. Que bueno que ya se habian inventado las camaras de fotos paar esa epoca.

  19. A doll! or two! Those toys look cool.

  20. Fafa, claro que ya habían inventado las cámaras de fotos! No te acordas que la nuestra se rompió cuando te quisimos sacar una foto a vos? :-)

  21. I love pictures like that. Brings back the memories doesn't it?

  22. Wow. I was going to say I don't know if I'm brave enough to share old pictures of me and then I remembered that I probably have done!

  23. So cute! Looks like you had a fabulous garden!I haven't done WW in awhile, but < HREF="http://tinyurl.com/6a8mps" REL="nofollow">my post<> is up today with photos from voting (then getting free coffee) yesterday morning.


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