Here are some examples...
Aquí hay algunos ejemplos...

My daughter Carolina in May 2000 - Mi hija Carolina en Mayo de 2000
My daughter Carolina in early 2001 - Mi hija Carolina a principios de 2001
My son Juan in May 2001 - Mi hijo Juan en Mayo de 2001
Me in February 2008 (OK, this one might not be real) - Yo en Febrero de 2008 (OK, tal vez esta no sea real)
No Santi! :-)
Technorati Tags: Photohunt
ReplyDeleteOh all such sad photos!! Happy weekend.
ReplyDeleteOh my what a sad entries whaaaaaaa...
ReplyDeleteThey are so cute when they're sad, though, aren't they?I almost didn't post to this theme, and my post is not typical "me". I hope you'll stop by, though:
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh.. so many sad pictures. My Photo Hunt pictures are posted < HREF="" REL="nofollow">here<> and < HREF="" REL="nofollow">here<>. Happy weekends!
ReplyDeleteNo kidding - you've captured a lot of sad ones here. That first one really gets me. Nice set of sad for our theme! But I don't believe you're an evil papa. ;-)
ReplyDeleteThe kids' tears just melt the heart, don't they?My photo hunt is a 'drawing of sad'...stop by, won't you?Hope your weekend is treating you well.
ReplyDeleteWow! You have adorable kids crying or not crying. I imagine you feeling sad (in that last photo) reviewing all the times you had to endure your children crying.
ReplyDeleteGreat shots. They may look sad but they are still cute!
ReplyDeleteow...lots of sad expression in here...Please drop at my PH post also : < HREF="" REL="nofollow">in HERE<> or < HREF="" REL="nofollow">HERE<>. Thanks
ReplyDeleteOh my thanks for making me whimper, oh my too sad:)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! Such sad, pouty faces! The last one is the saddest. We all expect kids to be sad over little things, but it is very sad to see an adult sad, because that's usually a serious thing. You MUST take photos of everyone smiling again, to make us all see that you have recovered! :D I did Photo Hunters today, too. I hope you get a chance to visit and post your link. It would make me *happy*!
ReplyDeleteHey that is pretty good, a good dad
ReplyDeleteMalo!La mia esta tambien...Salut...
ReplyDeleteI do have to giggle. They makes such strange faces when they cry. And they probably don't remember what they were crying about!
ReplyDeleteGabriel, esto del PhotoHunt, una vez que hago mi post tengo que ponerlo en alguna parte de la web de photo Hunt o con suscribirle a los emails es suficiente?
ReplyDeleteAy no Gabriel,no les saques fotos cuando lloran!
ReplyDeleteJAJAJAJAJA, eres malvado y malencarado, jajajajaYa viste mi ultimo post?
ReplyDeleteEs que Gabriel es muuuuuuuuuuy malo.
ReplyDeleteKuanyin... una vez posteada tu/s foto/s, entras en la pagina de < HREF="http://" REL="nofollow">tchick<>, en su post y comentas ahi diciendo que ya subiste tu foto.
ReplyDeleteAh, y te suscribes antes para que te mande todos los jueves (aproximadamente) el tema de la semana.
ReplyDeleteGracias Mike!!!
ReplyDeletemy kids will never allow me to take their pictures when they were crying.< HREF="" REL="nofollow">here's mine<>. thanks!
ReplyDeleteAwwweee... all the sad faces :(I'll play the clown and bring them laughter if I could :)Happy Weekenday Gabriel!
ReplyDeleteoh my they all look so sad...great entry.This is my first time and I am trying to visit and see other people's picks.These are great.Here's mine!!
ReplyDeleteHahahaha ! very practical when kids are around ! For me it was more difficult to find something "sad" !
ReplyDeletekids...we were once like them.
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean I'm evil too for taking my kid's sad foto? lol, they do look charming whn crying, thanks for your visit and have a nice week!
ReplyDeleteTheir tears just melted me! I have no photos of my son crying. Probably because I couldn't bear to see it. :)
ReplyDeleteSo very sad......great pics for the theme!
ReplyDeleteI am toooo cool!I never CRY!!! :-)(yes, i stole your smiley)- The Beloved, Santi
ReplyDeletePOBRES NIÑOS!!! Jajajaaja...
ReplyDeleteOh, those poor, sad children!!!!and the mean father can also fake a sad feeling, lol.Great shots as always, have a great week ahead!