Every night is the same story. We go upstairs to go to bed and...
Todas las noches la misma historia. Subimos para ir a la cama y...
Pictures were taken with flash (except the last one). She was sound asleep.
Las fotos fueron sacadas con flash en la oscuridad (excepto la última). Ella estaba dormidísima.
More tomorrow on "Tell me Thursday"
Más mañana en mi "Tell me Thursday"
More posts by Dianne, Russ, Napaboaniya, The Right Blue and jams o donnell
I will be travelling most of the day today, so I will visit you back in the late evening! :-)
A huge and comfy looking bed with a little sleeping princess on it :)Happy WW!
ReplyDeleteWhat fun shots! How comical that she's snoozing in your bed. :D
ReplyDeleteHappy WW! Those photos are showing someone having a <>good sleep<>! I invite your blog readers to see < HREF="http://electronicvillage.blogspot.com/2008/09/wordless-wednesday-anti-palin-rally.html" REL="nofollow">Anti-Sarah Palin rally up in Alaska<> on my WW-post this week. Not much coverage of this event in the MSM...peace, Villager
ReplyDeleteshe seems have a good sleep :DPlease stop at my WW post also: < HREF="http://julianarw.blogspot.com/2008/09/semi-professional-photographer.html" REL="nofollow">in HERE<> or < HREF="http://www.picturingoflife.com/2008/09/strange-plant.html" REL="nofollow"> HERE<> Thanks
ReplyDeletecute child! happy ww!
ReplyDeleteYour sleeping beauty is so adorable, looking comfy on the big fluffy bed. :)Happy WW!
ReplyDeleteShe looks comfortable.
ReplyDeleteprecious. Happy WW!
ReplyDeleteLook! It's a little Sleeping Bed Hog! Isn't it amazing how much bed a wee one can require?
ReplyDeleteHow peacefully cute! Happy WW!
ReplyDeleteAww, cute! :)Happy WW!Mine is up:http://mummifiedtimesfive.net/2008/09/24/ww-beauty/
ReplyDeleteTo watch a sleeping child's face gives so much joy. God Bless!
ReplyDeleteAww she is so cute! Happy WW
ReplyDeleteShe's so sweet, lovely pictures Gabriel!
ReplyDeleteWhen I read the title I thought it was going to be the return of the spiders or something equally gross. I am relieved to see something so cute instead. Do you let her stay or haul her back to her own bed?
ReplyDeleteHi, everybody, and thanks for your comments. <>Shannon<>, most of the times I just pick her up and take her back to her bed. The pictures are from Monday night, but it happens every night (like last night for example). Only difference was that last night I found her surrounded by her Webkinz... :-)I'm on my way to Maryland now, so I will be offline for about 12 hours.
ReplyDeleteHeads Up citizens! they are coming! Call 911! Lol! Happy WW! They'll surely laugh when they see this pics 10 years after.
ReplyDeleteBueno, por lo menos la puedes llevar a su cama. Peor es cuando, se duermen en su cama, tu te acuestas tranquilamente en la tuya, disfrutas de un descanso placentero y después de no sabes cuando tiempo, sientes que la tienes dormida en el medio de la cama y ni siquiera la sentiste llegar. jajajajjaja
ReplyDeleteLooks like my bed when I get up, except there are two of them...Happy WW!
ReplyDeleteYo, desde hace mucho tiempo corté eso de raíz... mis hijos no tienen autorización de dormirse en mi cama nunca. Se que es un poco estricto, pero es que a mi me toca sola, y pues no quiero peleas y llantos cuando los paso de nuevo a la suya. Entonces... ellos cada uno se acuesta en su cama, y yo en la mia. En todo caso verlos dormir es lo mas lindo que hay...
ReplyDeletebrings back memories -
ReplyDeleteLooks like my house!
ReplyDeleteI disagree... This is not wordless, it's just beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI was the same way as a kid
ReplyDeleteso cute.. esp the first one with her hand upright!!< HREF="http://celebratingcreativity.blogspot.com/2008/09/ww-shining-through.html" REL="nofollow"> Shining Through<>
ReplyDeleteTú no sabes que en la cama de los papás se duerme mucho mejor? sin pesadillas, monstruos, frío, calor, sed, ganas de hacer pipí, etc?Es un hecho comprobadísimo.
ReplyDeleteMe parece una escena conocida...Me pasa casi todas las noches, con la salvedad que son 2 las que invaden nuestra cama.Pero... nada mas gratificante que abrazar a nuestras hijas, mientras duermen (Es el único momento de las 24 horas del día que se quedan quietas)....y al igual que Florencia, no duermen en una sola posición. A veces me encuentro con los pies de Natalia en mi cara.
ReplyDeleteShe sleeps all over the bed just like me!! and my son..he is horrible to sleep with....
ReplyDeleteThese pictures remind me of the song "I need a nap." Funny, our WW post shows one of our kids sleepy too. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThe Invasion is great.It fills your heart with joy.I have Old Yellowstone Postedhttp://reikihospice.com/unknown/?p=1008
ReplyDeleteA que nene no le gusta dormir en la cama de sus papas!Por suerte a Ian se le pasó a los tres años y con Thomas nos queda, con suerte, un año más de visitas a la madrugada.
ReplyDeleteEnésimo intento de comentar...Pareciera que la conexión al blog ha mejorado...Decía en mis innumerables intentos... espero que no se les haya ocurrido despertarla. Me imagino que habrán dormido en el living.
ReplyDeleteHi Gabriel... it reminds me of myself when I was her age. My mother tells me I slept like a clock -- tossing and turning all over the bed.< HREF="http://www.sreisaat.blogspot.com" REL="nofollow">Sreisaat<>
ReplyDeleteTOO FUNNY