Tuesday, July 08, 2008

WW#34 - Butt graveyard

OK, almost wordless this time.
Pictures taken at work last week...
Ashes to...ashtray.
This is how they look after every day...
What were you expecting when I titled this "Butt graveyard"? :-)


  1. Cough, cough! There's even a haze over the photo - protect your lungs! :-)

  2. That is sooo gross!!! I have never regretted quitting smoking, and this is a good reminder why :) Happy WW

  3. Shots like that make me sooooo glad I don't smoke any more. < HREF="http://carvercards.blogspot.com/" REL="nofollow">Carver Wordless<>

  4. Me alegra tanto haber dejado de fumar, ya hace como seis años de esto.Y como ex fumadora, me puse terrible con el olor, humo y demás.Menos mal que esos cigarros llegan sólo a la puerta de tu oficina!!

  5. That is insane looking. I can almost smell it from here. Yuck. I am soo glad that I gave that up :)

  6. Oh my... you can see where the filter doesn't quite do the job. In every one of those butts. *frown*But I was intrigued by your subject... I was wondering what you were going to show us. *giggles*Happy WW!-< HREF="http://smarmoofus.com/?p=113" REL="nofollow">smarmoofus<>

  7. Oh goodness! That's WAY too many cancer sticks. Not only that, I wasn't sure WHAT to expect from your title - very funny!!My first post is up - http://bunny-trails.blogspot.com/2008/07/wordless-wednesday-family-fireworks.html

  8. now there is alot of buttsHappy WW

  9. I thought that was what it was going to be (once a smoker, always a smoker). Makes me awfully glad I quit though - 9 years and 1 month exactly, and still holding strong.

  10. Oh my God!Now I know why many people die from lung cancer!!! So sad :(< HREF="http://edsnanquil.com/?p=885" REL="nofollow">Just Me.. Eds<>< HREF="http://edsmommylife.com/?p=465" REL="nofollow">Eds Mommy Life<>< HREF="http://edsnanquil.blogspot.com/2008/07/wordless-wednesday.html" REL="nofollow">My Precious Niche<>

  11. now, i am thinking of my husband. he's a smoker. < HREF="http://belles-lettresofmilet.romelettedlopez.com/2008/07/09/ww-floating-restaurant/" REL="nofollow">here's my WW<>! hope you can take a peek! thanks. < HREF="http://belles-lettresofmilet.romelettedlopez.com" REL="nofollow">milet<>!

  12. Wow, that a lot of "butts"! Happy WW!

  13. Bua! Qué asco de fotos. Hace un año yo era de ese bando... ahora "asco" es la palabra exacta que siento sobre ese vicio, espero sentirla durante toda mi vida para no volver a recaer.Un saludo!

  14. unique shot and yea real interesting! That's not a common invention of ashtrays. But thinking of the effects of it in a persons's body or lungs or even those who are around - brought shivers to my body. happy WW!

  15. Interesting shot. Hopefully it makes smokers stop and think. Grateful that's one of the few bad habits I never got into.

  16. Ewwww, horrible!!Seeing this makes me so glad I quit a couple of years ago!

  17. You did a wonderful job with the picture although the subject is so gross !Non-smoker since 1987 :)Happy ww!

  18. I admit it...I was expecting something else after reading the title. LOL

  19. Surprised actually to see so many butts. Yuk!

  20. Oh..it's very unhealthy to smoke...But I like the title though.

  21. Perfect caption!The office atmosphere must be thoroughly polluted.

  22. LOL, the title is great! But count me among those who look at that and give thanks that I was able to quit. Never want to go back there!Tink *~*~*< HREF="http://MyMobileAdventures.blogspot.com" REL="nofollow">My Mobile Adventures *~*~*<>

  23. Seems to be unanymous - nasty!

  24. Purty yucky, but I'll admit I must be demented, 'cause they're not as yucky as the butts I expected to see when I saw the title.So, so sorry!!Happy WW!!

  25. Your title is awesome!Those pictures are just gross - I'm so glad I've never smoked!

  26. Wow, Gabriel! I was shocked to see your post! I am 3+ years quit and glad of it! Great shots! Happy WW!

  27. Reminds me of NY, LA, and a few other choice places with a lot of congestion.

  28. That's hilarious. I love how people manage to make a design in the ashtray.

  29. Wow! And to think some people smoke that much in a month- a week even!

  30. That's hilarious--"butt graveyard" is an awesome title.I smoke sometimes, but that still makes me feel sick to my stomach! Happy WW :)

  31. I'm not sure the other "butt graveyard" would have been any more attractive!

  32. Wow! I can't believe how artistically arranged they are!I've been away from WW for a while but I've got one up today. It was fun to visit and see your photos again!

  33. These pictures show what true smoking looks like.Happy WW!

  34. Ewwwwww.I have a pokey picture this week.

  35. Yuck! That's a lot of smoking.

  36. Haha! Not what I was expecting, (butt) very funny.

  37. Bleck! Those things are nasty and they stink. Some day maybe they won't exist. Hey, a girl can dream can't she?!?!Thanks for stopping by my place.

  38. Hi Gabriel -- We just returned from Colorado this afternoon. Sorry I'm late to read yours and probably wouldn't had you not visited my dog using bricks for a pillow while I was gone.When I read the title, I didn't know what to expect. But the 'butts' show up pretty fast!What an idea for a blog post...BTW, I saw a lot of signs, "NO SMOKING WITHIN 15 FEET OF BUILDING" in Colorado. That may be some city or state law...


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