Tuesday, July 08, 2008

WW#33 (on Tuesday) - Somebody is messin' with the printers

Pictures taken by me at work. This is my most esteemed network printer called "Algae" :-)


  1. Hola Gabirel,muy interesentas las fotos, yo también quedé sorprendido, en su momento, de saber que las impresoras pueden hacer tantas cosas (además de trancar el papel), como las impresoras tienen su sistema operativo, y todas memoria, y están, generalmente, conectadas en red, hay gente que las utiliza para entrar a la red, almacenando un pequeño script en los 8 o 16k de memoria.Lo último de que me enteré fue que hackearon una cafetera, ya que esta, tiene, como no!, su conexión a internet, y entraron por ahí.Donde iremos a parar.Un saludo, Alfonso

  2. <>Alfonso<>, un gusto tenerte por aquí de vuelta! Es cierto lo que decís, hasta las cafeteras (y las máquinas de Coca cola) están conectadas a internet. En el caso de la impresora, no me costó mucho encontrar al 'culpable'. Digamos que fue la primera persona a la que fui a ver. Le pedí que le mandara un 'Dale Vélez' a la impresora, pero no anduvo... :-(

  3. I have no idea fax machine can do that. I have a dinosaur.

  4. <>A picture tells<>, this printer can indeed print duplex, but it doesn't have that kind of messages -or the one about spam.Somebody from the office found a way to change the messages the printer was displaying, so he spent the whole day playing with it. I asked him if he could put a message about my favourite soccer team, but it didn't work...

  5. Wordless going hi-tech! Interesting!

  6. I would like to work in your office. They would have been fired if they worked at mine.

  7. Wow! That's like a flashing billboard. Maybe you could rent out ad space to the local deli and make some money!

  8. What a wortwhile printer if it could delete spam! Happy WW

  9. it's great how the person managed to tinker with the printer and came up with that!! really so cool! :)

  10. Uff, yo pensaba comprarme un refri con computadora, pero es capaz de dejarnos sin comer! Que horror!! jeje

  11. SPAM??? On a printer??? LOL..well, it was bound to happen sooner or later;) Happy WW.

  12. That's cool... the guy must have nothing to do the whole day - at least he's done something, er, cool? *lol* Happy WW, Gabriel.

  13. haha... spam in a printer! What's next?Thanks for your cake with the tools. The prison guards confiscated it. :)

  14. I love that the printer is named Algae!


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