Saturday, July 19, 2008

I know that picture...

CanadaThank you to the people at "Muy diablo" for using my picture for their post about the Toronto FC - Independiente game.
I bet that next time they will even say that they got the picture from here, instead of just stealing it and tacitly passing it as theirs.
It reminds me of a very well known thie... blogger (he calls himself 'one of the best'), who when asked why he didn't give proper credit for a widget he had taken from another guy, replied "Well, I'm working it a different way"...
Yeah, right. My butt.
ArgentinaGracias a la gente de "Muy diablo" por usar mis fotos para ilustrar su post sobre el partido Toronto FC - Independiente.
Estoy seguro de que la próxima vez incluso van a decir que la foto es mía, en lugar de robarla y hacerla pasar tácitamente como de ellos.
Me recuerdan a un muy conocido ladr... blogger ('uno de los mejores', se llama a sí mismo), que cuando se le preguntó sobre un widget que había sacado de otra persona respondió "Bueno, yo lo estoy usando de manera distinta..."
Sí, claro. De acá.


And here's mine:

Yup, they definitively look alike...

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  1. How funny! Its definitely your photo, they just cropped it and moved the ball down!

  2. I have run into some tactless bloggers myself. Seems like a small thing to give credit where it is due..Or is it a small person that can not give credit when it is due? That sucks, Gabriel.

  3. Con lo poco que cuesta decir de donde se cogen las cosas. Un saludo!

  4. Jeje, yo tambien se de esas cosas.Pero bueno, al menos da gusto ver tu imagen alli.FELIZ CUMPLE PARA GABY!!!

  5. That is so wrong. Like it would've been that difficult to give you credit for the shot. Sheesh.


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