Tuesday, April 01, 2008

WW#16 - This is my hometown

OK, not so 'wordless' today

Necochea (my hometown) is located here in South America

It's on the Atlantic, and its beach is one of the widest in the world
The sun raises and sets on the sea...
When the day is not good for the beach, people go to the Miguel Lillo Park, that has millions of pine trees...
...or to the beautiful Quequén River...
...or to the 'old downtown', where the statue of General Mariano Necochea looks over the entire city.
They celebrate the city's anniversary on that same square, with a huge community barbecue... (drool)
But the place I miss the most is the Café "Tatalo"... the best croissants, the best coffee and the best ham and cheese toasted sandwiches in the world!

I always go back to Necochea... almost every night.


  1. Those are wonderful shots! It looks like a great place to be. Thanks for sharing. :D

  2. Shannon @ Gabi's WorldApr 1, 2008, 8:34:00 PM

    What a beautiful place!

  3. Shannon @ Gabi's WorldApr 1, 2008, 8:34:00 PM

    What a beautiful place!

  4. Shannon @ Gabi's WorldApr 1, 2008, 8:34:00 PM

    What a beautiful place!

  5. Shannon @ Gabi's WorldApr 1, 2008, 8:34:00 PM

    What a beautiful place!

  6. Shannon @ Gabi's WorldApr 1, 2008, 8:34:00 PM

    What a beautiful place!

  7. Shannon @ Gabi's WorldApr 1, 2008, 8:34:00 PM

    What a beautiful place!

  8. Shannon @ Gabi's WorldApr 1, 2008, 8:34:00 PM

    What a beautiful place!

  9. Gosh! That's some huge BBQ party!!! :P Happy WW!
    My WW here & here

  10. what a great place! no wonder you miss it! :)

  11. Great shots this week. It paints a very nice story. I love the beach shot with the strong reflection in the sand.

    My WW post for this week is up.

  12. Beautiful photos, I would very much like to vacation there one day.

  13. Love the pine trees and the light in the back - fantasy land!

  14. wow - the beach is gorgeous. the forest is too. an amazing virtual walking tour, gabriel. thanks!

    happy ww.

  15. What a great series...it'd be hard to choose just one of those shots...

    There's no place like home :).

  16. I loved the pine trees snap the most.

  17. Stunning pictures, I can see why you miss it. I hope to make it to South America, some day and if I do I will make sure to visit.

  18. Wonderful pictures. I would love to visit South America some day.

  19. Over the last few weeks your WW posts have transported us back to another time, but this one takes us to another place. Those are a great set of photos - almost makes you feel like you've been there.

    FYI, my WW post is up.too.

  20. another place for my heart to long for. (except for the barbecue)

  21. It's gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing.

  22. impressive photos here..

    i like the second beach photo!

    happy WW!

  23. Looks like a place I would like to visit -- the city, the beach, AND that coffee shop. ;-}

    Happy WW, Gabriel.

  24. What a BBQ!!!!! are those real? God they're huge! lol!

    Happy WW!


  25. ~ My Beautiful Life ~Apr 1, 2008, 10:42:00 PM

    Nice photos here! mine is also up!

    Take a peek! :)

  26. oh my, there's a party of bbq! i would love to check that place out...thanks for sharing

  27. I love the pictures. Nice job. Thanks for sharing. Mine is up too

  28. Beautiful pictures. I hope I get a chance to sit in that cafe and enjoy a croissant sometime.

  29. You come from a beautiful place.

  30. wowww las fotos del parque de pinos me encanto.. buen color.. buen alumbrado.. estupendo.. me lo puedo copiar?... si o si? jejeje...

  31. All your photos were lovely - but that shot of the pine trees was amazing!

  32. Looks like a terrific place to live!

    Find me here:

  33. secret agent mamaApr 2, 2008, 4:56:00 AM

    I wanna go. Like, yesterday!

  34. Absolutely beautiful!!!!

  35. Thanks for sharing your hometown.

  36. Gorgeous! I hope you get to visit soon.

  37. What lovely pictures! Oh, to walk on that beach with the water on my toes...

  38. How gorgeous! I'm jealous! I'm sharing about my family's Wild Wild West RV Tour over at my blog. Stop by for a peek.

    Confessions of an Apron Queen: http://anapronaday.blogspot.com

  39. The trees in the forest/park are something. How often or do you ever really get back there?

  40. It's nice to see pictures from where you come from! It's such a lovely place!

  41. You've made me miss Argentina so bad I can taste it. :-( (and the Asado).

  42. those are all fantastic! you must be a pro huh? nice photos!

    Happy WW!

    Check out mine too!

    Sleeping Beauty

  43. Gabriel, you have a beautiful hometown! You should be very proud! I hope you get to visit often! Thanks for visiting me at both my blogs(gentoo penguin and Tango dancers) And I'm glad you liked them! :)

  44. Camera Totin' IdiotApr 2, 2008, 9:49:00 AM

    Great photos! I love the beach shots...just so ready for spring around here. But my fav is the one looking through the pine trees.

  45. Camera Totin' IdiotApr 2, 2008, 9:49:00 AM

    Great photos! I love the beach shots...just so ready for spring around here. But my fav is the one looking through the pine trees.

  46. Camera Totin' IdiotApr 2, 2008, 9:49:00 AM

    Great photos! I love the beach shots...just so ready for spring around here. But my fav is the one looking through the pine trees.

  47. Camera Totin' IdiotApr 2, 2008, 9:49:00 AM

    Great photos! I love the beach shots...just so ready for spring around here. But my fav is the one looking through the pine trees.

  48. Camera Totin' IdiotApr 2, 2008, 9:49:00 AM

    Great photos! I love the beach shots...just so ready for spring around here. But my fav is the one looking through the pine trees.

  49. Camera Totin' IdiotApr 2, 2008, 9:49:00 AM

    Great photos! I love the beach shots...just so ready for spring around here. But my fav is the one looking through the pine trees.

  50. Camera Totin' IdiotApr 2, 2008, 9:49:00 AM

    Great photos! I love the beach shots...just so ready for spring around here. But my fav is the one looking through the pine trees.

  51. Wow! These photos makes me more anxious to go back home. Happy WW!
    Oh by the way i just got back from one month away of participating the WW so these are my entries now.
    A Dozen Pupppies
    Beautiful Sunset

  52. Gorgeous photos. Looks like a great place to visit!

  53. Wow! That looks like a place I would love to live!Thanks for the pictures!

  54. Hey it's Amy ShippApr 2, 2008, 11:45:00 AM

    Wow Gabriel! What gorgeous pictures! I love the trees... and what fun for all those people to live close to the beach! Happy WW to you!

  55. Hey it's Amy ShippApr 2, 2008, 11:45:00 AM

    Wow Gabriel! What gorgeous pictures! I love the trees... and what fun for all those people to live close to the beach! Happy WW to you!

  56. Hey it's Amy ShippApr 2, 2008, 11:45:00 AM

    Wow Gabriel! What gorgeous pictures! I love the trees... and what fun for all those people to live close to the beach! Happy WW to you!

  57. Hey it's Amy ShippApr 2, 2008, 11:45:00 AM

    Wow Gabriel! What gorgeous pictures! I love the trees... and what fun for all those people to live close to the beach! Happy WW to you!

  58. Hey it's Amy ShippApr 2, 2008, 11:45:00 AM

    Wow Gabriel! What gorgeous pictures! I love the trees... and what fun for all those people to live close to the beach! Happy WW to you!

  59. Hey it's Amy ShippApr 2, 2008, 11:45:00 AM

    Wow Gabriel! What gorgeous pictures! I love the trees... and what fun for all those people to live close to the beach! Happy WW to you!

  60. Hey it's Amy ShippApr 2, 2008, 11:45:00 AM

    Wow Gabriel! What gorgeous pictures! I love the trees... and what fun for all those people to live close to the beach! Happy WW to you!

  61. Stacey @Real World MomApr 2, 2008, 12:38:00 PM

    Amazing photos! Think the one of the river is my favorite!

  62. Stacey & Madison @The Salty MoochApr 2, 2008, 12:38:00 PM

    Beautiful photos! We love the beach!

  63. looks like a very fascinating place to visit!wonderful photos too..;) Happy WW!

    My so called life

  64. What a beautiful place! Thanks for stopping by.

  65. What a beautiful place! Thanks for stopping by.

  66. What a beautiful place! Thanks for stopping by.

  67. What a beautiful place! Thanks for stopping by.

  68. What a beautiful place! Thanks for stopping by.

  69. What a beautiful place! Thanks for stopping by.

  70. What a beautiful place! Thanks for stopping by.

  71. What a beautiful place to have lived. It must be very different for you there in Canada. Polar opposites practically. I just noticed that your wife's name is Gabriela. How interesting to have names so close to each other.

  72. Wonderful summer shots while so many are weathering the cold here. Enjoy! Sure makes the Gypsy in me want to see it all.....

  73. Great Shots - thanks for stopping by my blog. The pic was taken at an Aquarium in Corpus Christi, Texas.


  74. bravo pictures! i like the one in the beach with the sunset and those trees perfect shot.

  75. Great pictures! Thanks for stopping by!

  76. Que lindas fotos. Pero siento que se me estrangula el corazon, sobre todo con la foto del parque donde pase tantas tardes con mi hermanito (no nos dejaban ir a la playa solos mientras mis abuelos dormian la siesta) y la de Tatalo donde siempre encontraba a mi mama y a mis tios tomandose un cafecito despues de la playa. Yo tambien vuelvo seguido en mis suen/os.

  77. Wow, that's absolutely gorgeous! I can see why you miss it so much! Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures with us! :-)

  78. poor man's nicole richieApr 4, 2008, 8:43:00 AM

    you've got some great story to tell there Gabriel. very detailed graphics. I love the shore shot and the barbecue party too. ughm, do they make vegetarian bbq?

    c",) Morning Sniffles

  79. poor man's nicole richieApr 4, 2008, 8:43:00 AM

    you've got some great story to tell there Gabriel. very detailed graphics. I love the shore shot and the barbecue party too. ughm, do they make vegetarian bbq?

    c",) Morning Sniffles

  80. poor man's nicole richieApr 4, 2008, 8:43:00 AM

    you've got some great story to tell there Gabriel. very detailed graphics. I love the shore shot and the barbecue party too. ughm, do they make vegetarian bbq?

    c",) Morning Sniffles

  81. poor man's nicole richieApr 4, 2008, 8:43:00 AM

    you've got some great story to tell there Gabriel. very detailed graphics. I love the shore shot and the barbecue party too. ughm, do they make vegetarian bbq?

    c",) Morning Sniffles

  82. poor man's nicole richieApr 4, 2008, 8:43:00 AM

    you've got some great story to tell there Gabriel. very detailed graphics. I love the shore shot and the barbecue party too. ughm, do they make vegetarian bbq?

    c",) Morning Sniffles

  83. poor man's nicole richieApr 4, 2008, 8:43:00 AM

    you've got some great story to tell there Gabriel. very detailed graphics. I love the shore shot and the barbecue party too. ughm, do they make vegetarian bbq?

    c",) Morning Sniffles

  84. poor man's nicole richieApr 4, 2008, 8:43:00 AM

    you've got some great story to tell there Gabriel. very detailed graphics. I love the shore shot and the barbecue party too. ughm, do they make vegetarian bbq?

    c",) Morning Sniffles

  85. el otro día comenté que no es San Martín el de la estatua... es Mariano Necochea. San Martín tiene las tres vainillas... no sé que pasó con el post, desapareció...

  86. Uy, tenés razón. By the way, las fotos que usé son tuyas, no? Porque yo no recuerdo haberlas sacado, pero estaban en mi PC...

  87. Nope... not my pictures, wish I had been at the asado though...

  88. Hola Gabriel,

    Sorprendido del giro tan particular que ha tomado tu blog.
    Eres muy diverso y polifacetico.

    Tienes todo tipo de lectores.

    La foto del parque Miguel Lillo es MAGICA, parece irreal, como si fera de una pelicula fantastica o un bosque de elfos del Se&or de los Anillos.
    Me dejo boquiabierto.

    Yo trabaje varios a&os en percepcion remota analizando imagenes de satelite, la vista de toda Sudamerica SIN fronteras es espectacular.

    Se ve Necochea es un lindo lugar.



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