As I said last week, you don't necessarily need to remember what were you doing on that same day, but at least what were you doing during that time. You can either comment on this post, or link to your own!
Now, without further ado, where were you...
1) ...When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans (29/Aug/2005 - 30/Aug/2005):
I was travelling with Santi's team to Mississauga, Ontario, where they lost 4-1 to the home team (North Mississauga). I remember the whole team played very well that day (that team was 8 goals above us by that time). I also remember that the field was surrounded by trees, which looked very pretty at first, but once the sun went down, we were virtually eaten alive by the mosquitoes. That was one of our last games of the season, and no, Santi didn't score that one goal.
2) ...When most of the world celebrated thinking that a new Millennium had started (and then waited a whole year for that to effectively happen) (01/Jan/2000):
I was at my brother in law's place, celebrating the New Year with Gaby and her family. I remember the deafening noise that the fireworks made, that made me felt we were in a war. Carolina was almost three, and she was absolutely terrified by the explosions, so I stayed inside holding her while everybody else was outside watching. I also remember that special TV program that lasted 26 hours or so, and showed how the celebrations took place as the year 2000 was arriving to the different time zones. I loved the Argentine segment and I thought it was great that they chose the beautiful Ushuaia, and not Buenos Aires for the main broadcast.
3) ...When Seinfeld aired its final episode (which, by the way, was the same day Frank Sinatra died) (14/May/1998):
I was back in Argentina, a few days after my second trip to New Jersey. I had just found out that I was going to be a father for the third time, and I was excited. Also, it was the day before Santi's third birthday, so I guess I was getting ready for that! :-)
Let me see... said Stevie Wonder.
ReplyDelete1.- Katrina: seguramente estaria muriendome de frio aca en Pehuajo. No lo tengo como una fecha en que pueda asociar algo, sí me acuerdo que cuando lo vi en el noticiero empece a pasar lista mental acerca de los conocidos que pudieran estar por la zona.
2.- Happy 2000: Obviously. Estaba en Pehuajo, preparandome para festejar que faltaba un año para el nuevo milenio. Recuerdo que el 31 de diciembre de 1999, pasado el mediodia llego un mail desde Sydney donde un amigo escribia que era el primer mail del 2000 que mandaba a la lista donde nos reunimos habitualmente. Como siempre, esa noche brinde hacia los cuatro puntos cardinales con mis amigos desparramados en el mundo.
3.- Seinfeld. Que decis? Si todavia no termino... Bueh, es que recien este ultimo año me enganche con esa serie cuya repeticion la estan dando en Sony.
This week's questions I can answer (although boringly!)
ReplyDeleteThis is such a fun, new meme for me.
Bravo on making a great one!
I can remember New Years 1999. It was actually a bad night, and the next day wasn't much better....My then husband took off and was gone all night. He came home the next morning. The girls and I stayed up late watching movies, though, and that was kind of fun. I can even remember a couple of the movies that we watched! I remember everyone worrying about the worls coming to an end. LOL.
ReplyDeleteI can remember the last episode of Seinfeld, but not where I was or what I was doing.
Can't remember where I was when Hurricane katrina hit, either, but I do recall some of the photos of the after math...Horrible.
This was fun, even though I totally burned on most questions. Got any more?
Very neat idea.
ReplyDeleteSad to say I think I was home for all of them. Watching the events unfold on television.
Tengo tan mala memoria que ya no recuerdo las preguntas... Ya vá.. A ver????
ReplyDeleteAy no puedo conmigo misma.. Anyway saludos!
Hmmm... Mine are boring, but I like the idea for the game! And warning, you brought up a couple issues (#'s 1 and 3) that I have strong feelings about - I hope that's okay.
ReplyDelete1. In San Diego, wondering why all those idiots were just sitting around instead of evacuating themselves and then being mad when I heard reports of who to blame for the bad evacuation process - blame the stupid people who were sitting around waiting for Big Brother Government. Arg!
2. Hmmm, that was probably in San Diego, but I might have already gone back to school in Nor Cal for the next semester, I don't remember...
3. I don't remember this either - but I do remember what a lame cop out that final episode was. It's like he had years of good stuff and decided he didn't have the energy for even 1 more joke. :(
Are you playing this every week? Thanks for coming to let me know about it!! :-)
Oh, and sorry for writing a book :-0
Hi, Frigga. Thanks for participating. Yes, I do it every Tuesday, and guess what... I'm in San Diego this week! :-)
ReplyDeleteTulip, hoy sin falta te envío mis datos. Estoy trabajando hasta muy tarde...
Mike, Neen, Biddie and JennieBoo: thanks for playing! :-)
Oh, one more thing, Frigga. I wholeheartedly agree with you on #1, though the government's assistance was terrible.
ReplyDeleteAnd re: #3, I never watched the show, so I wasn't overly disappointed. I read somewhere than Jerry Seinfeld is planning to write one final episode that will bring some sort of closure after the jail stint. Who knows...
Pretty cool questions, but I'll sit this week out. And try to come by for next weeks game.
Katrina: Working at a Methodist church and trying to get my kiddos transitioned into another school year.
ReplyDelete2000: My ex-husband and I had a massive party. It was the first time I ever kissed someone at midnight.
Seinfield: Another ex-husband moment. We were getting ready to get married the next day because I was pregnant with Rachel.
First, thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog post. Are you planning to post photos of the freeway signs near the San Diego airport that used to say: "Cruise Ships Use Next Exit"? That one always tickled me.
ReplyDeleteOn to the meme:
1. Katrina: I went to college and law school in NO, so I was watching TV coverage of the storm in horror. A few weeks later my kids and I held a lemonade stand with a sign that read: "Lemonade for Katrina Aid." What with large gifts from some relatives and money from people who stopped to hand them twenties without taking lemonade, they raised nearly a thousand dollars.
2. Millennium: Unforgettable. I was nine months pregnant with my daughter and desperately uncomfortable. I attended a NY party at my sister's house and went home early.
3. Seinfeld: Eh. I watched it at home after I put my son, who turned one a week later, to bed.
You're in SD this week? That's very cool! I hope you're having a great time! And I'm here if you need any suggestions or tips :-)