Saturday, February 02, 2008


can_flaggy We had a bad snowstorm yesterday, the worse in quite some time. The combination of freezing rain, ice pellets and lots of snow brought some joy to our kids, as they got to enjoy a very unusual 'snow day'. Even I was sent home, as my company closed its door at 3:00 PM. Since I didn't have a ride, I had to ask Gaby to pick me up.

View of the parking lot at work.

She told me she had left Santi shovelling our driveway, and that's what he was doing when we came back. However, it seems that he got a little carried away...

Last time I heard from him, he was shovelling the Highway 401 westbound, past Chatham, on his way to Windsor.

arg_flaggy Ayer tuvimos un temporal de nieve, el peor en bastante tiempo. La combinación de lluvia helada, hielo y mucha nieve le trajo mucha alegría a nuestros hijos, porque les permitió disfrutar de un inusual 'snow day' (es decir, no hubo escuela). Incluso a mí me mandaron para casa, porque mi compañía cerró sus puertas a las 3:00 PM. Como yo no tenía cómo volverme, le tuve que pedir a Gaby que me viniera a buscar.

Ella me dijo que había dejado a Santi paleando la entrada, y eso era lo que estaba haciendo cuando volvimos. Sin embargo, parece que se le fue un poquitito la mano...

La última vez que supe de él, lo habían visto paleando la autopista 401 en dirección oeste, pasando Chatham y camino a Windsor.


  1. LOL. KC and I both shovelled yesterday, and when we left to see Gramma in the hospital, it needed to be done again.
    By the time we got home, about 3 hours later, it HAD been done.
    Do you think that Santi was headed MY way?

  2. He phoned last night from Detroit, Biddie. He was going to go 'up', then shovelled his way back from Sarnia, taking the 402 this time. Once he's back here I will send him your way! :-)))

  3. The way you describe Santi made me LOL...

    Now I have to stop complaining about our rain here... ;)

    Have a nice weekend!

  4. The way you describe Santi made me LOL...

    Now I have to stop complaining about our rain here... ;)

    Have a nice weekend!


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