Thursday, January 17, 2008

Friday's Feast #04

Appetizer - What is your favourite beverage?
I don't drink alcohol, so I have to go for the obvious choice: Coca-Cola. Particularly, Diet Coke or Coke Zero. Unfortunately, because: a) I can't stop drinking it and b) it's making my belly even bigger.
My second choice would be mate, specifically mate in tea bags ("mate cocido", in Spanish). I drink a lot of those at work.

Soup - Name 3 things that are on your computer desk at home or work.
At work:
  1. A few rocks from the beaches of Quequén, the Argentine city my family comes from (and which is a twin city with Necochea, my hometown).
  2. At least one drawing and one picture from each one of my four kids.
  3. A toy car (a Jeep, specifically) on top of my laptop's docking station.

Salad - On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how honest do you think you are?
Definitely a 9 or a 10. I have no secrets at all with my wife, and I'm very honest with everybody else. Which sometimes causes me some grief, of course. I learned that it's way better never to lie to my kids. They will come back to ask me the same question again, and they have way better memory than me.

Main Course - If you could change the name of one city in the world, what would you rename it and why?
I live in Waterloo, Ontario. Our twin city here is Kitchener, which changed its name from Berlin after WWI. I guess I would like the city name to go back to "Berlin", but I understand it's practically impossible, since it's been so long, most people have only known this city by its second name.

I will have my hometown eventually renamed after me, but that will be long after I die. If I decide to die one day...

Dessert - What stresses you out? What calms you down?
Things that stress me out:

  • Whenever my wife or kids are sick.
  • When my kids are unhappy at school or feel lonely.
  • When I feel I have nothing to do at work.
  • When I think about all the money we owe.

Things that calm me down:

  • Watching TV late at night with my wife, both sitting together and covered with a blanket.
  • Listening to classical music, especially Chopin's waltzes.
  • A hug from any of my kids.
  • When my little daughter hugs me in her sleep.

See more posts here: Friday's Feast official home.


  1. Sick kids definitely stress me out too and I have 2 of them right now. :(

    Have a great weekend!

  2. You too, Natalie. Thanks for stopping by, I'm going to pay you a visit now! :-)

  3. Such sweet stuff about your wife and kids. I need to be nicer and less sarcastic! You have inspired me.

  4. What a lovely dessert. :)

    Thanks for visiting!

  5. Sick kids sure stresses all the Mommy's for sure:) Thanks for visiting!

  6. Great feast. I really enjoyed reading it.

  7. love your dessert (the calm list)!!! so sweet ... :)
    enjoyed your list!

    have a great weekend!
    My Friday's Feast post

  8. Asi que nos vamos a encontrar en las reuniones de CocaColicos anonimos entonces?

    Sabes que el mate nunca me gusto, y mira que mi familia son materos viejos pero yo les sali mas cosmopolita ;).

  9. Lovely feast, especially your dessert. happy Friday!

  10. I love beach rocks.

    Yes, I get stressed over my kids too.

    Happy Friday!

  11. Gabriel, te transcribo una idea que comenté en el blog de Arturo:

    "Arturo, los latinoamericanos inmigrantes debiéramos tener una página de Internet en inglés y francés para "promocionar" al grupo, no te parece una buena idea?

    Esa página, escrita desde la humildad y en el mismo tono de la cultura de Quebec y Canadá, podría contar anécdotas e historias positivas de latinos y subrayar constructivamente al mismo tiempo las discriminación que pudiéramos sufrir dentro de un estereotipo, a fin de mejorar la situación general. El objetivo es de promoción, a fin de que al menos algunos quebequenses y canadienses que no conocen la realidad del latinoamericano inmigrante, se informen y cambien en su caso una mala predisposición por una aproximación más confiada a la hora de escucharnos, contratarnos e integrarnos.

    Es una idea... Tal vez vos y Gabriel.... con ayuda de todos los bloggers.... no te parece?"


  12. okay, I officially like you. your family and mine would likely get along just fine.

    love the comment about not lying to your kids.

    "obvious choice" of coke isn't so obvious from my scroll through other feasts - and no one picked alcohol either...

  13. okay, I officially like you. your family and mine would likely get along just fine.

    love the comment about not lying to your kids.

    "obvious choice" of coke isn't so obvious from my scroll through other feasts - and no one picked alcohol either...

  14. okay, I officially like you. your family and mine would likely get along just fine.

    love the comment about not lying to your kids.

    "obvious choice" of coke isn't so obvious from my scroll through other feasts - and no one picked alcohol either...

  15. okay, I officially like you. your family and mine would likely get along just fine.

    love the comment about not lying to your kids.

    "obvious choice" of coke isn't so obvious from my scroll through other feasts - and no one picked alcohol either...

  16. I am so glad you came by. I tried cha mate when I lived in Brazil, but I never could develop a taste for it. Well.. I could drink it if it had plenty of sugar in it.

    I will definitely be back to visit more often.

  17. Wow, that's interesting that the town changed it's name from Berlin to Kitchener-he was quite the hero to many. Clearly we now know where the Canadians stood on WWI politics!! Nice feast.

  18. Thinking about the money I owe stresses me out as well, so now I have it sorted with a loan that leaves my account automatically each month, i try not to think about it!

  19. Oh, classical music is relaxing to me as well! Love this post...will try this next hands are just a bit full right

  20. Hi!Thank you for being one of my first visitor at FF!I really appreciate it.
    Nice feast.Thanks for sharing few things about yourself.

  21. Hi!I am stressed out when one of my family members are sick too!Just like now, my husband is real down with coughs and colds.

  22. It was so nice to read your feast.
    Especially the last part.

    Feel welcome to visit my friday's feast at:

    Laane on the World

    Have a great weekend!!!

  23. I like coca-cola too. I think I´m addicted...

    I have enjoyed a lot with this post... although I need to look for too much words in the dictionary. My english is too bad.Time to time.


  24. I need to repeat this very slowly or I'll lose the plot...





    Good grief.

    You are amazing!!!!!

    ...and more to the point, can I have your share then? ;-)

  25. Gabriel te recomiendo leer el libro entero de la Dieta South Beach... trata de conseguirla allá... Desde mi punto de vista es una de las mas saludables y faciles de hacer... adicionalmente esta dirigida a personas con riesgo cardiaco y diabeticos. Pude perder peso luego de mi segundo embarazo con ella y mis valores sanguineos estuvieron como nunca... Inclusive tarde mucho en volver a engordar,,, todo gracias al stress que vivimos aca en Venezuela.... Pero no importa ya hemos retomado el rumbo y el control de la salud.... Voy a averiguar cuandto cuestan aqui las pastillas Xenical a ver si podemos resolverlo... pero ve leyendo y empezando a hacer cambios.. Se que estas en Weight Watchers pero es otra opción!

    Saludos y ánimo!

  26. Sick kids are definitely one of the most stressful things that happen.

    I've added you to the Blogaholics Anonymous blogroll. Welcome to the club ;)
    Livin' With Me

  27. Four dinners, LOL. I'm sorry, I just can't stand the smell (especially wine!). I've tried to drink alcohol, but I just can't.
    I hope you won't stop reading this blog because of that :-)

    Tulip, le voy a echar una mirada a ese libro. Ya he empezado a hacer cambios y tengo pensado anunciar un cambio de hábito cada domingo. Veremos!

    Gus, no estoy seguro de poder comprometerme a algo así, pero lo hablaremos junto con Arturo.


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