I shared the eight prize with nine other bloggers, and our prize consists in getting advertised on USA Today! I don't know when this is happening, but my traffic will be a pretty good indicator...
Here's the list of winners, from the BlogCatalog mini-site:
First Place — BlogWorld Conference Attendance, Full Page Ad in Blogger & Podcaster, iPod Touch

Second Place — 1/2 Page Ad in Blogger & Podcaster Mental Stimulation

Third Place — 1/2 Page Ad in Blogger & Podcaster

Fourth Through Seventh Place (No Order) — 1/4 Page Ad In Blogger & Podcaster

Eighth Through Seventeenth Place (No Order) — USA Today Advertisement

Sweet! A few of the winners will be profiled by Copywrite Inc. too.
Here are my two posts:
I believe I won for the second one.
Congratulations!!!. Bien merecido.
ReplyDeleteCool! You were a winner before you even wrote about it, Gabriel.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to everyone who got the thumbs up!!! =)
Congrats fellow winner! I emailed Blog Catalog to find out when the ad was and any other detials but I haven't heard back yet. I guess we will just wait an see!
ReplyDeleteCongrats fellow winner! I emailed Blog Catalog to find out when the ad was and any other detials but I haven't heard back yet. I guess we will just wait an see!
ReplyDeleteCongrats fellow winner! I emailed Blog Catalog to find out when the ad was and any other detials but I haven't heard back yet. I guess we will just wait an see!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to all of the winners!!
ReplyDeleteGabriel, you are one of the kindest people that I have had the honor of meeting. (You and Gaby)
You deserve this!
P.S. How are you feeling?
Nata, thank you. I can't believe I was chosen.
ReplyDeleteFrenchkys, thank you for your kind words.
Jessica_in_Rome, I also asked; it seems it's going to be published in the paper version only. But USA Today is probably the newspaper with biggest circulation, so you can bet it's going to pay off!
Biddie, thank you for asking. I'm feeling terribly today. I only managed to sleep 3 hours between Friday and Saturday, and about four hours (with many interruptions) last night. I'm very tired and my nose is still swollen. I really hope I get better soon...
Do you have any painkillers? I have a couple here, if you need something to help you sleep tonight. Just let me know :)
ReplyDeleteOh, no, thanks, they gave me some pretty strong ones. The problem is not the pain (only), but the fact that I couldn't breathe through my nose, so swollen it was.
ReplyDeleteBut it's slightly better now, and I could even take a couple of breathes already.
Felicitaciones, Gabriel.
ReplyDeleteMuy merecido. Es solo cuestión de tiempo para que sigas teniendo mas reconocimientos.
Y espero que te recuperes al 100%.
ReplyDeletefelicitaciones !!
Un muy merecido premio, no sê, porque todavîa no he visto, los demâs ganadores,pero el tuyo es, seguramente, un MUY BUEN blog.
Un saludo,
ReplyDeletefelicitaciones !!
Un muy merecido premio, no sê, porque todavîa no he visto, los demâs ganadores,pero el tuyo es, seguramente, un MUY BUEN blog.
Un saludo,
Jorge, Alfonso, muchas gracias.
ReplyDeleteYo les recomiendo que lean la historia del que ganó el primer premio, y no importa lo que piensen sobre ese conflicto en particular, la historia los va a mover seguro.
El autor se enteró de que había ganado el 1er premio hoy. Por mí! :-)
Estimado Gabriel, esta historia del primer premio debe ser conocida por todos. Sugiero la traduscas para que podamos linkear a nuestros amigos, con el debido permiso de su autor.
ReplyDeleteNo es mala la idea, Jorge. Voy a hablar con Bokjae para ver si está de acuerdo.
ReplyDeleteMuito Bom my friend!!!
ReplyDeletey el año que viene vamos por el 7mo
AH y JAPI Berdi!!
Translation: "My dear friend Gabriel I think that you deserve this prize because I know all the dedication that you put in everything you do. I really wish that next year you're gonna be in the top three and why not the #1.
This, for sure, are the kind of things that help us to keep moving forward.
Feli cumplianio!
Guille O.