Néstor Kirchner is ending his mandate as of today, December 10th 2007. His wife, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner will take over, and will serve as the new (and 70th, according to my calculations) President of Argentina.
I might not be 100% in agreement with their line of thought and their actions while in office, but I have to concede that Cristina Kirchner is a very apt, hard working politician. I actually have faith she's going to be a good president.
For the good of my beloved Argentina, I hope I'm right this time.
For more info, please read this excellent post from the also excellent blog "D for Disorientation", "Cristinian era".
No estoy del todo seguro, pero apostaría que es la primera vez en la historia que un presidente es sucedido por su esposa. Esto está pasando en Argentina el día de hoy.
Néstor Kirchner termina su mandato hoy, 10 de Diciembre de 2007. Su esposa, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner lo va a suceder y servirá como nueva (y septuagésima, si mis cálculos son correctos) Presidente de Argentina.
For more info, please read this excellent post from the also excellent blog "D for Disorientation", "Cristinian era".

Néstor Kirchner termina su mandato hoy, 10 de Diciembre de 2007. Su esposa, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner lo va a suceder y servirá como nueva (y septuagésima, si mis cálculos son correctos) Presidente de Argentina.
Yo podré no estar en un 100% de acuerdo con su línea de pensamiento y sus acciones mientras esté en el cargo, pero tengo que conceder que Cristina Kirchner es muy capaz y una política que ha trabajado mucho. Incluso tengo fe en que sea una buena presidente.
Por el bien de mi querida Argentina, espero estar en lo correcto esta vez.
Hi, just popping in from Biddies blog to tell you how sweet I think you and your wife are.Biddie and I talk on the phone from time to time and I know how worried she was about getting that party together. She was so very excited when you told her about the cake. If more people treated one another in this way the world would be in much better shape.